Chapter 5: Taking a Stand

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The first thing they noticed was Superboy. I don't blame them of course, I mean, the kid was a younger Superman they had never seen before: it's understandable.

But when Superboy explained who, and what, he was the league freaked out.

"Why can't everyone just call Superboy a HIM not an IT?" I muttered.

Kaldur, of course, was the one to explain everything and once our story was told, the League grouped to conference amongst themselves.

"Why do I feel like a child waiting to be out in a time-out?" Kid asked.

"We did kind of disobey direct orders...

The only league member to step towards us was Superman, who gave a pitiful excuse for a hello to Superboy before flying away.

"Wow, harsh." Kid said, and Rob punched him in the shoulder. I looked over at my friends and sighed before stepping towards Superboy and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I mean, I know we're not exactly Superman or anything..." I said, making the clone turn to face me. "But of you want, we can be your family."

Superboy looked at me, seeming confused before smiling. I smiled back before Batman ruined the moment.

"Cadmus will be investigated... all 52 levels of it." The Dark Knight narrowed his eyes. "But let's get one thing straight."

"You should have called!" Flash cut off, playing the 'concerned older brother' figure.

"End results aside, we're not happy." Batman said sternly, his gaze caused me to slouch back like a wounded puppy, looking down at my feet awkwardly. "You will not be doing this again."

"I'm sorry." Kaldur suddenly interjected, catching us all by surprise. "But we will."

What is he doing?!

"Aqualad: stand down!" Aquaman ordered, but his command was only met with a salute from his protege.

"My apologies my king, but no." Kaldur said bravely. "We did good work here tonight: the work you trained us to do. Together on our own we have forged something powerful, important."

He's really doing this!

I look around at Superboy, KF, and Rob and realized they're all in it too.

"If this is about your treatment at the hall, the four of you-"

To hell with it

"The five of us." I corrected, standing straight and pulling together as much confidence as I could muster. "It's obvious that you either don't trust us enough, or just don't want us to be in the Justice League. So why can't we form our own team? Nothing's going to stop us from fighting for what we believe in."

"Batman, we're ready to use what you've taught us." Robin added. "Or why teach us at all?"

"Why let them tell us what to do?" Superboy growled, obviously getting impatient. "It's simple: get on board, or get out of the way."

A long, pregnant silence filled the atmosphere as the five of us stared down our mentors: daring them to refuse.

"Give me three days." Batman growled before turning on his heal and walking away.

"What about Superboy?" I asked.

"Hey Supey, why don't you stay with me?" KF asked, and Superboy nodded roughly.

"Time to go." We heard Batman's Griff voice say and Robin sent a look to all of us.

"Guess we'll see each other in three days." Robin said.

"Until then." Kaldur said, nodding to the boy before he ran away, joining Batman.

"Us too Kid, you're parents are going crazy no doubt." Flash said, ruffling Kid's hair. KF muttered something under his breath before nodding to Superboy, saying they had to leave.

"Don't break anything you two." I said, concerned over the fact that KF's house was going to practically be in shambles in 3 days.

"No promises sweetheart." KF said, winking at me before running off.

"Those two shoukd never be roommates." I muttered to Kaldur, who chuckled.

"Agreed." He said before turning to make eye-contact with me.

"I'm surprised you stood with us, arent you usually for cooperating with the League? Avoiding conflict?" He asked and I sighed, running my fingers through a few strands of hair that had fallen out of my braid.

"Ya well...I may not seem like it, but I was also kind of angry about the whole 'keeping secrets' thing." I admitted before smiling back at the Atlantian boy. "Besides, there's no way in hell I'm letting you four boys be on a team alone together: that's a recipe for world disaster."

Kaldur laughed heartily before smiling gently at me.

"I cannot disagree with you on that one." He said. "Do you not have to go home? You're family must be concerned." He asked

I looked at the night sky.

"My dad's used to me being MIA for some nights, besides, it's around dawn in France and the first day of summer break, so it's not like I have to worry about sneaking in." I said, but afterwards a yawn caught me by surprise.

"Then you should go an rest. Today has been a long one and you deserve some sleep." He said and I smiled.

"I guess." I said, smiling back. "So I'll see you in three days?"

"You shall indeed." He said, nodding before I ran to my mentor.

"Hello Red." I said. Luckily, my mentor was a robot: so he didn't really get overly concerned over my well-being and would be fairly tame about the whole 'smashing the building' thing.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Fine." I said. "Just a couple of links and bruises, maybe a bruised ribs: no problems." I said.

"You disobeyed direct orders." He stated as we began to fly away.

"And you kept a secret from me." I argued back.

"I...apologize. Batman wished for the Watchtower to remain confidential information to all except the members of the league." He said.

"Apology excepted: just no more secrets Red." I said. "Secrets only tear bonds apart."

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