Chapter 27: Leadership Troubles

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Official Kaldur X Lina ship name: Seabreeze. Thanks to Guest on for suggesting it!

The ride to India was tense and filled with anxiety and anger. It didn't help matters that Captain Marvel, our new 'den mother' decided to come along; which nobody was overjoyed about. But to be honest, I kind of just half-blocked everything out and stared out the window, which I knew would cause some unwanted attention from my teammates, but to be perfectly honest: I didn't care.

Once arriving at the Indian jungle, we landed and Artemis and Robin jumped out to scout the premises. The rest of us walked out right after Robin gave the all clear.

"Switch to stealth." Kaldur said, doing so himself. "We'll review parameters."

"Parameters? We don't need no stinking parameters!" Kid barked.

"It's recon we know what to do." Robin agreed darkly, and the two friends turned to head into the jungle.

"Kid! Robin!" Kaldur said desperately.

"The four of us started this team because the Justice League was keeping secrets from us." Robin snapped.

"Or did you forget that like you forgot to tell us about the mole?" Kid said, pulling down his goggles down and ran into the jungle, his best friend on his tail.

"Come on!" Conner said, grabbing Megan's hand. "I'll keep you safe." Megan pulled away from her boyfriend and crossed her arms, looking ticked off.

"I...just want to protect you." Conner said innocently.

"Like Aqualad protected us?" Artemis growled, poking the Kryptonian in the chest with her bow. "I'm not sure your protection or your patronizing is good for our health!"

The two girls began to walk away, but I heard my name being called. I snapped out of the light haze I had went into and turned to my female comrades.

"You coming?" Artemis asked.

"I..." I looked from Artemis' angry gaze, then back to Kaldur who had a neutral, but slightly annoyed look on his face. Or was that desperation? Nevertheless I looked down, tightened my fists and nodded to Artemis before joining Artemis and Megan.


Walking silently with the two girls, I let my mind be taken into its haze again and drowned out the rest of the world.

There's no way that both Red could have betrayed us. He's overcome all his evil programming, and wouldn't have made more sense to go after the league? I mean, he was already a full-fledged member. But even so, there's no way we would've betrayed anyone! It's just not him!

And then there's Kaldur. The Kaldur I know wouldn't have kept such a big secret from us, it's just...not like him. He's honest, caring and just and too...betray us like that, even if he did probably think it was for the good of the team...

Why are the people close to me suddenly betraying me?

"Lina? Hello?" A voice suddenly cut through my thoughts and I jumped to attention, meeting Megan and Artemis' concerned gazes.

"Sorry, what?" I said, startled.

The two girls looked at each other before looking back at me.

"Are you okay?" Megan asks. "I mean, we know you're taking all this pretty hard but-"

"I'm fine." I lied, sounding a lot darker then I intended. "Let's just...get this mission over with."

"Zeph'..." Artemis said, using a nickname I'd never heard before. "Yo-"

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