Chapter 12: Leadership (finally)

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"Look at that product!" Robin hissed as he looked through his binoculars and down into the factory. "A buy is going down. But if Cobra isn't selling to the usual suspects then-""We need to identify the buyer." Kaldur cut Rob off.

"Just what I was thinking." Wally hummed.

"Ya, you're the thinker." Robin laughed.

"Sarcasm? Dude, a real leader would focus on getting answers." Wally retorted.

"A real leader wouldn't bicker about who's leader." I couldn't help but mutter in French, and Kaldur and Megan sent a look my way. Megan could now doubt understand with her martian mental translator, but Kaldur knew me well enough to know what I had said.

They both had a look of agreement on their faces.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash and we all looked over to see Bane had thrown a rock away to uncover what looked like an old mining tunnel.

"Answers are this way." The villain said.

"So now El Luchador  is our leader?" Wally said, and I couldn't help but lightly smack him upside the head.

I was getting really tired of this leader talk.

Stupid Batman.

Eventually, we came to a metal door and Bane opened it. Robin poked his head in and looked around.

"All clear." He hissed before flying off and disappearing 

I hate it when he does that.

"Had that little fool already gotten caught?" Bane asked.

"No, he just...does that." Kaldur muttered.

"Stay put. I'll get our info and be back before the Boy Wonder!" Wally said, before slipping on his glasses.

"Wait, Kid-"But Kaldur was too late, and Wally had already zoomed away.

"Great chain of command," Bane muttered, earning a glare from all of us.

We all snuck over closer to the wide doors of the warehouse, which led to a runway where forklifts were moving crates of Venom.

"It's a massive shipment." Kaldur whispered.

"Ya, but they're only taking new product; they're not even touching this stuff." Conner muttered back.

"Maybe freshness counts?" Megan and I said in unison, slightly surprising us both.

"Helicopter's coming." Superbot hissed, but none of us could hear anything for a few minutes until the helicopter got closer. 

"Miss Martian." Kaldur hissed.

"Got it." Megan said, going into camouflage-mode and flying over to the landing strip, while Superboy, Kaldur and I went up to a raised catwalk to get a better view of the factory as a whole.

 After a few minutes, Kaldur's eyes widened.

"Sportsmaster? He's the buyer" Kaldur muttered, and I knew Megan had gotten the info we needed. I pressed my finger to my com.

"Red? You listening?" I whispered, but I was only met by static. "Coms are jammed;  which means we can't reach the league, the cave, Robin, or Kid." 

"We need a plan, now." Kaldur hissed in his 'scary voice'.

"I have a suggestion." Bane smirked, before jumping off the catwalk!

"What is he-" Kaldur never got to finish his sentence before a giant, tan, monster jumped in through the window.

He kinda looked like Desmond post-Blockbuster, and I knew something wasn't right. 

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