Touching on Lina's Autism

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Yes I know how much people love it when I post things that aren't chapters but this is important! So listen (or read? IDK) up!

Also the topic of autism is something I'm very passionate about so I'm sorry if I start ranting.

The next chapter (Spoilers) will be dealing a lot with Lina's autism because (if you've been paying attention) Bereft is the next episode, therefore it will be the next chapter.

And what happens when Lina gets left in a blazing hot desert after being unconscious, and therefore her medication has flooded through her system?

You probably can guess what.

So hence why I'm writing this little tidbit rant.

Now, if you are a part of the masses that knows next to nothing about autism (don't worry you're not alone) then A please go learn, even a quick read from Wikipedia is better then nothing, and B let me lay some stuff down.

1. Autism comes in such a complex and wide spectrum that it is impossible to just sort into one little example.

2. Lina has a case of fairly high-functioning autism in the way that she can still communicate when she's not using her medication (as seen in the last chapter) but still suffers from it.

3. I am not just some teenage girl that went 'hey, this would be a cool thing to insert into my OC to give her some flaws'. Actually, my little brother has autism so I like to think I have a fairly good grasp on the subject and how even high-functioning autism can be a huge day-to-day struggle.

But at the same time, I'm not the know-all-and-end-all of this disorder and I would just like to throw that out there and if anyone feels that I have made an error, please please please don't hesitate to correct me.

Anyways, thanks for reading this little tidbit, I really appreciate it. I hope to be posting the next chapter tonight (?) or tomorrow so stay tuned ;) Get ready for character development and KaldurXLina fluff! 

...Kaldur and Lina need a ship name...Comment what it should be I suck at this kind of thing.

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