Chapter 7: Perseption and Friends

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When I awoke, I was met with an unbearable stream of sunlight that made me want to cry and tear my eyes out. The sound of the TV playing in the room beside me made me cover my eyes with my pillow and groan.

Biting my tongue, I reached over to my bedside table where I felt around for my medication. When my fingers finally came into contact with the smooth plastic of the syringe and pill bottle, I pulled them closer to my grasp. I quickly stabbed the needle into my arm, wincing only slightly at the small prick but eventually eased into the pain of the sensory overload ceasing. Next, still keeping my eyes closed, I unscrewed the bottles of the five pills before pouring out the needed amount and downing the medications.

After a moment of letting the medications easing into my systems, I dared to open my eyes and was met by the plactic objects scattered on my bed sheets.

Wayne Tech. Labs experimental temporary cure for autism and oversensory.

They were given to me not long after I became Red's protege. Apparently Bruce Wayne's a close contact to the league and when my problem became an issue in my training, I was given it. Both as a test subject and a helping aid. It made my life a lot more tolerable. Of course, it didn't really help with my anxiety for the unknown and unpredictable, but I could go outside on sunny days and could listen to music at a normal volume like normal people.

As my headaches went away, I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I needed to get ready for the day: after all, this was the third day and Red was taking me to meet with the guys and the league.

I decided to dress nice, but still comfy. I also needed to dress in something I could fight in.

So after slipping on my underwear, I slid on a loose black sweatshirt that slid off my left shoulder, and head a silver heart on the center. I put it over a blue skater skirt (after slipping on some under shorts) and put on black knee-high socks and grey converses. I looked at my frizzy hair and decided to just leave it down, since I didn't currently have the energy to try to put it up.

Walking out of my room and down the stairs, I was met by the sight of my father and brothers. Dad and Leo were in the kitchen, and Calvin was on the couch, reading.

"Good morning." I said, walking into the room.

"Morning Darling." Dad said as he walked over to kiss me gently on the head. Leo smiled at me and Calvin sent me a wink.

"Red Tornado called, he should be here in fifteen." Leo said, looking back to the toaster.

"Great! Then I need to eat breakfast ASAP!" I said, and I went to grab a bowl and the box of cereal.

"Aren't you nervous?" Calvin asked, Suddenly at the kitchen door.

"About what?" I asked as I poured the cereal into the bowl.

"You're starting your own team with three other teenagers: two of which are younger then you, and far less mature." Calvin said, looking a little uncomfortable.

"The league's going to be keeping an eye on us big brother." I said, minding my tone.

"Whatever...Just...Be careful." He said, before shuffling out of the kitchen.

"Ignore him." Leo said with a smile. "He's just being protective."

I nodded and smiled.
We all stood in a straight line. The setting of said line was a huge, stone opening much like one of a cave, but...more civilized. Our mentors stood in front of us, Batman taking the command.

"This cave was the original secret sanctuary for the Justice League's operations." Batman announced. "Since you five are...determined to stay together and fight a good fight, you will do it on League terms."

Seems fair

"Red Tornado has volunteered to stay here and be your supervisor. Black Canary is in charge of training." I look at my mentor and nod at Black Canary, the woman who had helped me move past my mother's death.
"I will be deploying you on missions."

"Real missions?" Robin asked, questioning hia mentor.

"Yes, but covert." Batman answered.

"The league will still handle the obvious stuff; there's a reason we've got these big targets on our chests." Flash said, pointing to his insignia.

"But Cadmus proves the enemies are getting smarter." Aquaman said.

"And Batman needs a covert team to work...'Under the radar'." Red said.

"The six of you will be that team." Batman finished.

"Cool!" Robin exclaimed. "Wait, six?"

Batman looked over his shoulder to the teleporter entrence, where Martian Manhunter walked in with a girl I've never seen before. She cpuldnt be more then 15, and had green skin, like Manhunter, but she also had orange hair and freckles. She wore a white teeshirt with a red 'X' and a blue skirt. She was small and petite, probably one of the most flawless girls I've seen.

"Meet Miss Martian, Martian Manhunter's neice." Batman announced.

"Liking this gig more every minute." Wally muttered and I held back an eye roll.

"About time we got another girl protégé!" I said, smiling as I walked over to the girl, I was about to introdice myself but was cut off by a teenage speedster.

"Hi, Im Kid Flash." Kid introduced. "Thats Robin, Zephyr, Aqualad; its cool if you foget their names."

This time, I didn't hold back my eye roll.

"And Superboy's the quiet one." I said, motioning to the teenaged clone. "It's nice to meet you Miss Martian."

"I'm honoured to be included." She said shyly.

I could understand shyness.

Robin took notice of Superboy's absence and called him over. When the boy walked over, Miss M's shirt suddenly turned black like the clone's.

"I like your t-shirt..." She muttered shyly, her cheeks dusting pink.

Somebody has a crush...

"Today is the day!" Aqualad said smartly, and I couldn't help but smile.
That night: KF, Robin, Kaldur and I went to talk to Roy.

Green Arrow had picked up a lead on him at the Star City docks, and asked us to go. I was happy he trusted us, or at least thought he wouldn't try to fight us once we made ourselves visible.

Apparently, the 'lead' was a series of illegal gun shipments coming to Star City's very own villianous powerhouse: the Brick. Roy had been interfearing with them.

Today was another hit, and just on schedule: Roy turned up. He shot a flash arrow at one of the crates, announcing his presence.

Then we decided to join in on the fun. With our combined forces however, it was over in minuets.

"So Speedy, you in?" Robin asked, leaning against a crate.

"Pass." Roy said stubbornly, unsurprisingly. "I'm done letting Arrow and the League telling me what to do. I don't need a babysitter or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids. Your 'junior justice league' is a joke. Something to keep you busy and in your place!" Roy snarled. "And I don't want any part of it."

"Roy-" I called out, but he had already sunk into the shadows.

After he left, I looked at my other friends who all looked disappointed, depressed, and more then a little insulted.

"He's just angry." I said, trying to stay happy. "Mad at the League, and their secrets. He's still our friend: he doesn't mean the hurtful things he says."

"At least you believe that..." Kid said, before zooming away, the others behind him. I stayed for a second, staring at the place Roy had disappeared from; wishing he would just walk back, happier and forgiving.

But alas: he never came, and I followed the boys.

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