Chapter 11: Authority

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If you know me, then you know that I'm not one to question authority. If an adult or someone with training tells me to do something, and it's reasonable, then I'll probably do it because I know that there is a good chance that the person giving me orders has the experience or knowledge to know what's best. But on the odd occasion, an authority figure will tell me, and possibly other people, to do something that is so wrong that nothing about it feels right.

This is one of those times.

Sending six teenagers, most of which are either egotistical, perfectionists, or have no self-confidence whatsoever, onto an island that's selling a drug that can literally turn you into a powerhouse (and filled to the brim with guards with guns) without a leader, do a simple recon mission, and expect everything to go smoothly IS. NOT. SMART!!

Like, if we had a level-headed leader (cough cough Kaldur cough cough) then we would probably be fine, but you know what Batman said when we asked him who the leader was?

'Figure that out amongst yourselves'

*Flips table*

Anyways, ya, the mission was to go to Santa Prisca and do a recon mission on a factory that's pumping out Venom, a type of neurosteroid most popular for being the serum Bane uses to get all big and strong. The mission required two drop zones: one through the water to disarm any cameras and motion sensors, then the second one on land to move forward to the rendevu. Kaldur and I would take the waters since with our abilities we were able to breathe underwater, and then the rest of the team would take the land drop zone.

"We're here." Megan said, and I felt the ship stop. Kaldur and I stood up and both of us pushed the insignias placed on our belts. As we did, our uniforms changed to black and dark grey: stealth mode. We looked over at each other and nodded.

"Ready." We stated in unison, and holes opened in the floor in front of us before we jumped into the water. Before I hit the water however, I summoned the air around me to form tightly around me before I was submerged in water.

This whole air-bubble was a really advanced technique I had just learned from RT, who didn't really use it because, well, you could probably guess.

As Kaldur and I rocketed through the water, our first obstacle was a large net, which Kaldur easily sliced through with his water swords.

When we finally reached the beach, I took out the tool Batman had gave us and placed it on the camera. Once the machine beeped, I looked back and nodded to Kaldur.

"Heat and motion sensors have been patched." I said into the com system. "Readings are now on a continuous loop. Move in."

We both got up and started moving into the jungle. Eventually however, we came to a cliff.

"If you don't mind." Kaldur said, a joking tone underlying his voice. I smiled before summoning a wind to carry us both up the cliff.

"Aqualad, Zephyr; drop zone is a go." Megan said into the com.

"Head to the factory. We'll track your GPS and rendevu ASAP." Kaldur said as I set us down once we got to flat ground.

"Be careful, and alert us if you are in need of assistance." I added.

I mean, it's bad enough that the league sent us on a mission in the first place. But then they sent the two mature people on the team away from the rest...this isn't going to end well.

As we continued running, we came to a small clearing but stopped when we saw a small group of armed men creeping along...Going towards where the rest of the team was.

"Superboy, KF: switch to infrared and see if you're being tracked." I said cautiously. A moment later, Kid answered back.

"Got a squad of armed bozos incoming." KF said.

"Two squads, but they'll meet each other before they find us." Superboy added.

Kaldur and I looked at each other for a moment before answering.

"Swing wide, steer clear." Kaldur said.

"Ya ya, as soon as I find Rob." KF's voice said and I felt the blood rush from my face.

"Kid, don't-" I was cut off by the sound of gunshots. Kaldur and I didn't even need to look at each other before we started running towards the loud sounds. Fortunately, by the time we got to the rest of the team they were all okay and almost finished taking down the men.

I saw one sneaking up on Kid, and I slashed my hand through the air, sending the man into a nearby tree. When Kid turned, I stepped out of the bushes along with Kaldur who took down the last standing man.

"I know these uniforms." Robin says as we finish tying up both squadrons. "They belong to the Cult of the Kobra."

"I am certain Batman would have mentioned it if he knew a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca's Venom operation." Kaldur said.

"Agreed." Robin agreed. "And since there's clearly no love lost between the cultists and these goons, I'm betting Kobra came in and tossed them out! That's why normal supply lines have been cut off."

"We get it, Kobra wanted super cultists." Wally said. "Let's radio Bats and we'll be home in time for di-""These cultists aren't on venom!" Robin cut Wally off. "Jones's hoarding the stuff. We don't leave, not until I know why."

"Untill you know why?" Wally sneered.

"This team needs a leader!" Rob says.

"And it's you?" Wally asks. "Dude you're a thirteen year old kid, who flaked out on us without a word."

"Um...Guys..." I mean to intervene, but I find myself cut off and ignored.

"And you're a mature fifteen? You blew our cover the first chance you got!" Robin exclaims.

Aren't they best friends?

I find Kaldur leaning towards me.

"I'm guessing you don't want to be leader as well, like Kid and Robin?" He asks and I giggle.

"Like I can be a leader? Please! I'm inexperienced, not confident whatsoever, shy, and definitely don't have the level-head that this team needs in a leader." I said. "No, the leader we need is you Kaldur."

"Well I don't know about that..." He mutters. "But I think you're not giving yourself enough credit."

I blush at the kind statement, and clear my throat. Suddenly however, one of the men chuckle lowly and I look up and immediately notice that it's Bane, one of Batman's major villains and the main consumer of Venom.

"Such clever ninõs." The villain laughed. "But you only know half the story. Let me show you the rest: get you into the factory, via my secret entrance."

Megan kneeled in front of Bane and put her fingers to her temples, reading his mind.

"There is a secret entrance...But he's also hiding something..." Her eyes glowed green, but Bane smirked.

"Ah, ah, ah chica. Bane is not that easy." The Spanish man chuckles, and Megan grunts.

"He's mentally reciting football scores and Espanol, this might take a while." Megan said.

"It's not that complicated: the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Bane said.

We all looked around at each other, before nodding.

Taking help from a super-powered drug addict...What could possibly go wrong?

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