"Are you implying that I came from Hell?" Namjoon held a smug look. How could he act as if nothing happened?

"I don't know, Cinderella. Does the shoe fit?" Namjoon laughed at my remark and sat next to me, causing me to scoot away.

"Jin, you're safe now. Isn't that what you wanted? What Hoseok wanted?" I chuckled sarcastically.

"You practically kidnapped me!" I threw my arms up to make it more dramatic. "You stabbed venom into me! What if I was allergic and didn't wake up?!" Namjoon looked amused by my outburst which made me even more upset. "The only thing I need protection from is you." His smile immediately changed into a straight line. I scoffed and looked away but looked back when he rested his hand gently onto my shoulder.

"I wasn't thinking. I acted without realizing what I was doing. I'm sorry, Princess." His frown was visible through his tone of voice. "Please forgive me."

Damn, he was so good at coaxing. It should be illegal for someone to be so persuasive with their intentions. But I saw right through his speech. His tone, expressions, and word choice will not fool me. I know better.

"Let me go back home." Namjoon sighed and removed his hand.

"You know I can't let you."

"You can't or you won't?" I locked my eyes on him. He was sitting tall and had a firm expression. His jaw was locked and it was obvious I was upsetting him, something I've been doing a lot lately.

"You should stop before I lose my patience again. I never want to act like that towards you..." Namjoon's eyes filled with sadness. I sighed and stood up.

"If I'm stuck in this prison at least make me an edible meal. Have you ever been put to sleep? I'm fucking starving. Jesus, I may be invincible but a man's gotta eat you asshole." Namjoon smiled slightly, was I still upset with him? Yes. Was I acting like I forgave him? Yes. Was I gonna form an escape plan as I ate? Yes. Am I capable of succeeding with my plan? Of course! You can't spell badass without Seokjin. Well you can but- that's not my point.

"Whatever my Princess wants." He wrapped an arm around my waist and led me out of the room. I looked around the dark hall and paid attention to my surroundings. We went up two flights of stairs before making it to a large metal door, when opened I gaped at the sight of another long hall but this time decorated with portraits and two servants at the end of the hall. This would be harder than I thought.

"The soup you requested is on the table, Sir." Jimin appeared and led us to the large dining room table. I held in my shocked gaze, not wanting Namjoon to think that I was amazed by his home. Which I was, but I wasn't going to let him know that.

"May I go pee first? Tea runs right through me." Namjoon chuckled and waved over Jimin.

"Take him to the bathroom and make sure he finds his way back." Namjoon's eyes darkened when he met Jimin's. Jimin nodded and bowed before leading me to the bathroom.

I felt bad for the kid, he looked young. He didn't deserve to be ordered around by Namjoon. I sighed softly and went into the bathroom. I had to find a way to get out of here. A gentle knock sounded and I unlocked the door only to be pushed back further into the bathroom. Jimin closed the door and locked it, my eyes were wide. When I went to question him he slapped his hand over my mouth.

"Here's keys to my car. I let Yoongi know that you were here and headed to the meet up sight." He handed me the keys and paused to look back at the door. "There's GPS directions preset onto it. Follow it and it'll lead you to Yoongi. He'll instruct you from there." My heartbeat quickened. Jimin was actually going to help me. Jimin removed his hand and hopped onto the toilet, pushing the window out. "It's a decent drop, just be careful when going down. Run to the wall and use it as your guide. There's a ladder before you reach the exit gates, make sure no guards see you. Be stealthy and quick. Over the fence is the car, it'll light up when you hit unlock. Stay safe, I wish you luck." He went to the door.

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