Start from the beginning

You need to stop 'n take a look
  At the contents of this book
This is the place for you to read
 'Tis the spell that you will need.
Hermione figured out the first part of the clue in a moment.Who better than a bookworm to know that the place to read is a library?She ran back inside the castle and nearly tripped up the stairs on her way to the Hogwarts library.But the audience cheered for her anyway as she faultered once.She entered the library,spinning around in one spot as she tried to figure out the rest of the clue.It is the spell that you need.She searched down the aisle containing the spellbooks.There wasn't time to figure out which book particularly so she took down all the spellbooks from the shelves and shook down every one of them,till atlast from one, out fell an envelope at her feet.She picked it up and took out the next clue.

An ancient word of wisdom frees this scroll
Fly faster unless you wanna be eaten whole
Either say I quit and yield
Or take it and walk out to the field.
Hermione was dumbfounded.Take what?But then there magically appeared a big box in front of her;which was locked.She remembered the previous clue.It is the spell that you need.She inspected the page where it had been put in and it contained the spells 'Allohamora' and 'Vera verto'.Well of course vera verto is for transfiguration,so its Allohamora.Its child's play!Hermione tapped the box with her wand saying,"Allohamora." and it popped open to reveal a broomstick.She groaned as she realised she had to go down to the field again as the next clue definitely involved quidditch.But what would eat me whole if I don't fly fast enough?Her question was answered as she arrived at the quidditch pitch and saw a gigantic bludger, with razor sharp teeth ,flying around.It was the snitch that she needed to catch but as soon as she boarded her broom,the monstrous bludger tailed after her.The pathetic school broom just wouldn't go fast enough and Hermione found herself in the jaws of death a number of times,much to the anxiousness of the people back in the great hall.But she finally caught hold of the snitch ,to which the next envelope was attached, and landed back on the ground to read it,while ctaching her breath.
On the highest tower your next clue waits
The poltergeist guarding over  the gates
There the lost treasure lies Resting atlast beneath starry skies.
Hermione knew she was close now.The lost treasure is definitely the golden egg that they had taken from us.But where is this place?It is on the highest tower,resting under starry skies.After pondering some she remembered her special place;the Astronomy tower.It certainly is the highest tower of the castle and from that broken part you could see the sky filled with stars!She dashed back again into the castle and skidded down corridors.She met Cedric on her way and as they passed each other,they gave a high five,saying "Go Hogwarts!".As she climbed the stairs huffing and puffing she grumbled.'These tasks would test your intelligence,physical capabilities and wand waving skills'.Huh,they got that part right.When she reached the top she remembered who the poltergeist was;Peeves!The ghost was floating in the air,preventing her from entree.She first tried to beg him but he wouldn't budge.Then she tried to flirt and joke and surprisingly he succumbed and as he came forward closing his eyes and  pouting like a fish in order to get a kiss from her,Hermione passed right through him.Once inside,she blushed a little,remembering the first kiss that she shared with Snape right there.Back in the hall,Snape smiled to himself, knowing just why Hermione's cheeks turned red.But without wasting another moment she picked up the egg and the envelope from under it,which contained the last clue.

Blue sky above and blue sky below
To find the truth,go deep in the shallow
Finding the right one is the key
The moaning ghost would reveal the truth to thee.
Hermione scratched her head.The moaning ghost is Myrtle.But what the hell is 'blue sky above and blue sky below'?Something that looks like the sky above...when reflected.Ok,so it's water!Her first thought was a big water body but then she thought that wasn't likely.I guess this is where Myrtle comes in.She would reveal 'the right one'.Hermione skidded to a stop at the deserted girls' lavatory but Myrtle was nowhere to be seen."Myrtle.Myrtle!",she called out loud.Myrtle popped her head out of a commode making Hermione jump."Would you be so kind as to tell me,where I should go to open this egg correctly?"She asked nicely.Myrtle giggled before saying,"Granger looks so exhausted!Maybe she should take a long bubble bath to relax her muscles.Swim around in the pool with the merpeople."Hermione was annoyed,"Look,I don't have time for your cryptic words-"But then she stopped,realising."Thank you so much!"she told her before rushing out.It's the prefects's bathroom.There's a big swimming pool!She entered the place and the pool was already filled with water that was lukewarm.She looked at the egg in her hand and thought of the second line of the clue:To find the truth go deep in the shallow.Hermione sighed.I guess there's only one way to find out.She disarded her robes,tie,watch,shoes and socks;drew in a deep breath and dived into the pool with the egg.She opened it underwater and this time a beautiful melody came out of it.Swim with the merpeople.That's what Myrtle said!The voices of the merpeople can't be heard over water.She listened to the song carefully.In the Great Hall everyone awaited the arrival of the champions.Hermione ran in,dripping from head head to toe and landed on all fours,gasping for breath,but glad when she discovered she was the first one back."'Come seek us where our voices sound/We cannot sing above the ground/And while you're searching,ponder this/We've taken what you'll sorely miss/An hour long you have to look/And to recover what we took/But past an hour,the prospect's black/Too late,its gone,it won't come back.'That's...what...the egg says."Hermione finished, and the whole hall erupted in cheers.Hermione lay back down on the floor,relieved that the task was over and that she had done it,even managing to win the first position.

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