Chapter 5: His Butler, deceiver

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"Your Highness, please endure it. It will only sting for a while."

Claude poured more antiseptic on the scrape on my knees. I gripped the sheets tighter in pain.



He picked me up and placed me on his lap.

"C-Claude, it hurts!"

Claude ruffled my hair while nibbling on my ears. He finally put a bandage on the wound, ending my pain.

"You were brave. You didn't spoil any tears. And for that, you deserve a reward."

He tilted my face to the side, kissing me in the process. I gasped. This kiss felt different. I couldn't feel any burning passion from Claude. Something was wrong. His eyes turned into their demonic form. He gripped my shoulders tighter making me groan.

Claude... he was trying to consume my soul.
All the love that he showed me, all the care... All of them were nothing but a tactic to spice up my soul.

All the words that he told me... They were all lies.

Why did I ever trust a demon? Was I so desperate for love and attention that I have forgotten how callous a demon's heart is?

With anger and feelings of betrayal, I pushed him with all my might. I slapped him across the face. As expected, his expression turned back to their usual way again- mysterious, emotionless. Gluttony only roamed his mind.

"Get out! I hate you!"

He simply bowed and left the room.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, throwing every single thing at my reach. Soon enough, the room was filled with chaos. I slumped on the ground and began to sob loudly.

"Claude... why? Why did you betray me? I-I love you...and always will."

I touched the bluebell that he had tuck in my ears earlier when he loved me. I crushed it with my hands and stared at it.

"C-Claude... You're the only one. You're all that I have and yet, you betrayed me!"

Everyone leaves me. No one will ever care for me. My parents, Luka, and Claude... Why? It's not fair. I don't deserve this! Why can't I just experience true happiness just for once? That's all I'm wishing for. I want to feel happy and loved. But not even God can grant it.

I felt tired and overwhelmed with emotion. And for the hundredth time, I slept with tears trailing down my cheeks.
"Alois Trancy. That's your new name."

The old man had mumbled on my ears after he had finished pleasuring himself. I was sprawled on top of him, trying as hard as I can not to let any tears fall. I have to pretend I'm getting along with him. 'Cause if I don't, I'll never get any favors I want.

"Hmmm.. I like it."

I placed gentle kisses on his chest, absolutely hating every second of doing it. He rubbed my back with his callous hands, drawing circles on it.

"You've come a long way, my boy. At first you were resistant, but now so submissive I've taught you a lot."

He made me lay beside him and pulled me in a protective embrace.

"You're mine, Alois. No one is allowed to touch you but me. Understood?"


He kissed me sloppily and I had no choice but to kiss back. He pinned my arms above my head, meaning I can't escape tonight's "round two."

A Deceptive Love(Black Butler Claude x Alois)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora