Chapter 28: suicidal child

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(Warning!! If suicide metions or experiences is Triggering please do not read.)

I had found out that day the mom wasn't going to call the cops or anything for grabbing her daughters shirt and throwing her on the ground. Apparently she thought her daughter deserved it but that wasn't the end of it. It spread through out the social medias and I thought that drama was going to start up, it did, but not in a bad way. Apparently I drew in more fans for the band and we were bigger than ever. The one that started it was not so big news sight and the headline was, "Rocker Teen Mother Stands Up For Child." And then it blew up, people kept talking about how it must be hard for me to love adopted children. Or that it's hard to come by a mother who would lay their hands on another child to protect her own. And a lot of people were surprised Andy was a "Father". I spent all day texting fans back. I wasn't like the other famous people that didn't respond to fans texts, I know it's overwhelming with thousands of them but soon or later I text them all back because I used to be that fan that wanted to always get noticed. I honestly didn't think something like this would blow up though. For some reason Andy was mad about it, the band was happy as hell though.

I was sitting in the studio with Loralie, Austin, Zack, and Dot. We were going over the Album we just wrote called "One dose of Strange." And it was finally finished and about to be released. Everyone was excited for it but I believe the fans were more excited for it. Life was really good for me and us, I wouldn't ever have expected a life like this after having a shitty childhood but I guess life is trying to make up for it. Sometimes stuff goes wrong but it's okay. "Dude, you okay?" Austin waved his hand into my face drawing me back the conversation. "Oh yeah, sorry just daydreaming." Everyone looked kinda worried. "Have you gotten any sleep lately, you look tired as hell and honestly like you've been on drugs." I laughed sadly and leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. "No Raigen has been really depressed lately, she...she tried cutting the other day. It was only small lines she did with a broken piece of plastic but it still hurt me. So lately i've been really stressed out because of it." They all looked at me with knowing looks, I used to cut as a kid and was pretty suicidal as well and I didn't want the same for Raigen. "Have you told Andy?" I shook my head. "No not yet." "So why is she doing it?" I ran a shaky hand through my hair. "We decided to put the girls into public school this year. Apparently Raigen had been getting bullied a lot so i'm just going to home school her and tell Andy that she didn't like it."

I got home and I instantly heard screaming and stomping around the house. I instantly ran to the kitchen to see broken plates spread across the ground and Andy running around in a fury, tears running down his face and a small crumpled piece of paper in his hand. "Andy! What's going on here?!" He quickly shoved the paper in my hand. "It's Raigen! She's missing!" I read the note, 'Thank you Mom and Dad for loving me, but it just seems that it's not good enough. Tell Angel I love her and I love guys, have a good life without me, please?" My eyes widened and I through it to the ground and pulled out of the house, I knew exactly where she could go, it was the only place that you could go commit suicide the easiest way in this town. I pulled up and ran into a dumpster in the parking lot of a tall building. I jumped out, slamming the door behind me as I ran through the doors. I skimmed around quickly for stairs and finally found them, running up every flight and slamming the door to the top of the roof. And there my baby girl was. Standing on the ledge. I quickly ran as she took a step I reached her just as she fell and had her by the shirt as she hung over the building. She screamed and struggled and I furiously pulled her up by her shirt and fell to the ground with her in my lap, holding onto her as tightly as I could.

I didn't say anything I only let her cry and scream in my arms reaching her arm out at the ledge. She scratched at my skin and pulled at my hair. "Let me go!" She would scream or, "I don't wanna live anymore! Let me die already!" But I just held on with all my might. "You don't understand! No one does!" She was wrong, so wrong. I finally covered her hand with my mouth. "Just..SHUT UP!" I turned her around in my lap and held onto her. "I don't understand huh?! I went through exactly what you did but I didn't have that parent that would do anything for me! My parents didn't give two shits if I tried to commit suicide! My mom even told me to do it once! And I attempted so many times! But Aunt Loralie was there each time! I tried so many times and reacted just the same way you are! I'ma take you out of that school but you aren't going to die. Not now, your little sister needs you so much and if you gave up on her she wouldn't know what to do with herself. Neither would I." She had quieted down and I removed my hand from her mouth and wiped her eyes. She laid her head on my shoulder and quietly cried. I rubbed her back. "I know baby, I know. It hurts but it's life, this world isn't nice, it never will be. But we can't give up just because other's dont approve of what we do or our looks. No one matters but you and what you think of yourself." I rocked her back and forth. "Your Father and I love you with all our hearts and I will make your life the best I can while allowing you to know about this world." She pulled away. "Thank you Mommy, I really do believe you and Daddy are my Parents in another form. I don't know what I-I'd do without ya'll. I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry it just hurt so much. W-what those kid's s-said." "I know baby, I know."

We had gotten home and Andy was sitting on the couch, rocking back and forth with his knees pulled to his chest. That poor man, god he was so worried for her. I cleared my throat and his head quickly snapped up. He rushed over to us and Raigen hid behind me, scared. I put my arms on his chest in a protective manner. I honestly didn't know what he was going to do. His eyes filled with more hurt. "I-I just wanna hug her." I still felt very skeptical but she stepped behind me and ran into his arms as he picked her up and held onto her as tight as he could, crying into her hair. "Please, Please, don't ever try that again." "I promise." She said calmly and held onto him as tight as she could. I'm so glad I was able to save her when I could.

Would you look at that...I actually have a heart (Andy Biersack Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora