Chapter 24: Yerp, definitely a surprise

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  We had finally reached Fort Collins at around 5:00 in the morning. They had a tent set up and breakfast for us all so that was cool. This was the time where most of the bands could go and see each other I guess so we all had gotten ready and went out. Raigen and Angel were jumping up and down hoping Falling In Reverse was going to be there eating breakfast which we did as well. We looked around and I noticed Ronnie Radke and Ryan Seaman sitting at a wooden bench. We all got breakfast and decided to join them because why not. "Hey guys, what's up?" Ronnie asked. "Nothing much, oh yeah. Ronnie, I want you to meet my two daughters. This is Raigen." I pointed to her than Angel. "And this is angel." His eyes widened slightly. "I didn't know you had daughters, I thought you were only 18." I laughed slightly. "I am, I adopted them the other day after the concert in Arizona."
We all had talked and what not and the girls got autographs which they demanded they must have. We all talked with Ronnie and Ryan and left after we were all done eating to get set up for the concert later that night. After this concert we have another one tomorrow in Pueblo then were off to Texas. I took the girls to the park and Loralie tagged along. Zack and Austin decided to take a quick nap so they were energized before the concert. "Raigen come push me!!" We were sitting on the swings and since Angel was pretty short she couldn't really push herself that much. It was adorable watching Raigen push her with them both laughing. I'm still wondering how Andy is going to react to this all and plus I really miss him.
I decided to call Andy, he picked up on the second ring. "Hello?" I smiled at the sound of his voice. "Hey Andy." "Star! Hey! How's it going?!" Well he seemed very enthusiastic about that, not in a bad way of course. "Nothing much, just sitting here with Loralie at the park." Angel rushed up to me and was crying. She held out her elbow. "Mom it hurts!!" I put a finger to my mouth and examined it. "Who was that?" Andy asked curiously. I grew nervous. "Oh uh, just some little girl and her mom." She cried more and I sighed, "Can I call you back in a sec?" He said yes and I hung up. I picked her up and bounced her on my hip as I stood up. I looked over at Loralie. "Do you have a band-aid?" She nodded and pulled one out of her pocket. "Brought some in case one of the girls got hurt." I put it over her elbow and smiled. "All better now." "Thank you mommy!"
I smiled at the name, I think I could get used to this. I let her down for her to go play and called Andy back once again. "Why'd you have to leave?" I bit my lip for a second. "Oh uh, because Loralie needed help with something." Okayyy." It sounded like he didn't believe me but I decided to just let it go. (LET IT GOOOOOO!! LET IT GOOOOOOO!!) "So how's the tour going so far?" I shrugged even though he couldn't see me. "Pretty stressful but there's moments where it's awesome. Especially getting to perform in front of tons of people!" He laughed, "Yeah, that was my favorite part of touring. Especially getting to see the different landscapes and what not." I agreed with him.
After about thirty minutes we said our goodbyes and we walked back to the tour bus. The concert was in an hour and Dot was going to be screaming at us if we weren't on time. The girls got dressed in Falling In Reverse T-shirts that Zack had bought them and we all got ready to go perform. We got backstage which was a bit smaller than the last one but we had a cool dressing room so we were content. We all got ready and now all we had to do was wait. Angel was intrigued by everything and so was Raigen considering they've never been backstage before. We had a while so I decided to put in my headphones and jam to Fall Out Boy. I took a photo of everyone and tweeted on twitter 'hanging back stage with all these goobers while jamming to '. I shut my phone and five minutes later it was blowing up with notifications.
Fans were replying to it saying different things. I then noticed Patrick Stump had been replying to fans so he decided to answer my tweet, '@StarIsAwesome Good to know you enjoy our music'. I smiled really big and answered him. 'Patrick stump thanks, you should see our singer Loralie she's obsessed with you and Fall Out Boy. @MiniTreeBarbarian'. He tweeted back to me, '@StarIsAwesome I'd like to meet her'. I heard Loralie scream from across the room. We all looked over at her and Zack freaked out. "What?! What happened?!" She screamed again and fangirled. "Patrick Stump wants to meet MEE!!" All they're eyes widened and I smiled widely. This could help our fame actually. "I'll get Dot to set something us." Speaking of Dot she came in the room. "Your on in 5." She closed the door and we all stood up and left to go perform.
During the concert we got to prank Ronnie by running out at the very end and dunking slime all over him which resulted in the whole crowd laughing their butts off. I decided to step out for a little bit with the girls before we left to get a breath of air. I felt someone hug me from behind and the girls screamed and I jumped about to hit someone till I turned around to see Andy. My eyes widened, "Andy?! What are you doing here?!" He smiled, "I flew out to see you of course." I sighed and looked over at the girls who were still jumping up and down and fangirling. He looked over at them, "Who are they?" Before I could answer they did, "Were her kids! I'm Raigen and shes Angel." They both hugged me and he took a step back. "Woah, wait, did they just say they're YOUR KIDS?" He freaked out and I guess this is kinda what I was scared of. All I could do was nod. Well i'm in some deep crap.  

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