Chapter 4: Weirdness

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Here I stood trying not to fan girl as Andy stood in the doorway of mine and Zack's apartment saying something that I can't even make out considering i'm so zoned out on his face. Is this what it's like to truly fan girl? He snapped his fingers in my face and I quickly grabbed his hand squeezing it tight crushing the bones together making him cringe down to the floor. "Please don't snap your fingers in my face, it's rude." He rolled his eyes and stood back up rubbing his hand. "Ahem, it's rude when your weren't even listening to what I was saying." "Well sorry if I was ravishing over your beauty, geez." His eyes widened for just a quick second then he scowled at me. "Don't joke around. Now I heard that one of the people from Four...four t-teared, ski-skit, man how do you pronounce this?" I laugh softly and smile at him. "Four-teared skitzos. Nice to meet you Andy Biersack, I am Star , the drummer of the band." I stuck my hand out for him to shake and when he went to shake my hand I quickly moved it, "Whoops, to slow." He just shook his head. "Anyways, where's the lead singer? Does she live here?"
I sighed dramatically, "She's apparently dead." He tilted his head in question and I grabbed his hand leading him to the couch and pointing to Loralie who was munching on chips and watching the Vampire Diaries on Netflix. "Get out of my way bat wholes! I'm missing parts of my show!" She threw a chip at me and I laughed. "Loralie, pause it, we have to have a band meeting!" She wasn't even paying attention to us so I tackled her on the couch and started tickling her while Andy just watched in amusement. "Fine, fine I give up!" She quickly grabbed the remote and paused the TV and I got off of her. She finally looked up and squinted her eyes at Andy. "Did Zack get plastic surgery or something? I swear he looks just like Andy." She stood up and started to stroke his face with her hand which was really funny. And when he tried to move her hands away from his face she would slap his hands away. That girl has problems. She doesn't even notice it's the real Andy! "Ahem, Loralie, that's the REAL Andy he's here to talk about the opening act." She rolls her eyes and takes her hands away, "I know it's him, I just wanted to make sure his face was real and wasn't plastic surgery." Me and Andy face palmed and then looked at each other and smiled staring at each other until Loralie cleared her throat and we quickly looked at her. "Anyways, i'll go get the guys and then we can all discuss this, K?" Andy nodded and she smiled walking off. It now became awkward for us considering of the staring so I smiled at him weirdly. "What are you doing?" I laugh, "Oh just nothing this is just my rape face." He raised an eyebrow and let out a small laugh. "What's so funny?" He quit his laughing and gently smirked at me. "You such an interesting girl." I jumped on the couch putting my fist in the air, "I have accomplished getting a comment by THE one and only Andy Biersack." He looked at me weird for a second then busted out laughing as did I.
We stopped laughing once Loralie, Zack, and Austin walked into the living room us all sitting down on the couch and Andy sitting down on the arm chair. He cleared his throat, "So do ya'll wanna introduce yourselves?" Loralie spoke first. "Oh uh yeah, I'm Loralie the lead singer." Then she points to the boys, "They are Zack and Austin. Zack plays the guitar and Austin plays the bass. And I guess you've already met Star which she is the drummer." He looked at me with interest in his eyes, "I don't think I've ever heard of a female drummer in a band." I smirked, "Well maybe i'm just more fabulous then all the other drummers." "Uh huh suureeee." I squinted my eyes at him. "What do you know? I bet you don't even know how to play the drums." "Is that what you think?" "It's not what I think, it's what I know." "Yo-" "Shush! Were having a meeting here!" Zack shushed us me smiling at Andy. Man, i'm evil. Mwuahaha.

After the meeting Lorlaie and Austin left considering it was kinda getting late and they were tired. Andy was still here considering Zack asked him if he could give him some pointers on playing the guitar considering he was confused with one of our songs and how to get the tune just right. I didn't even know Andy can play the guitar, ah well. I walked into Zack's room and watched them in the doorway smiling. Zack seemed so happy. He was talking to his idol, only if he could smile that big around us. Ever since his sister died in a car wreck he doesn't have that big, bright smile he always used to have. But when he listens to Black Veil Brides or he listens to their music he smiles really big. It sometimes makes Loralie sad when she tries to make him smile like that. I never will understand his mental connection with their music. Maybe Black Veil Brides is the reason he still stands because their music gives him hope. Who knows.....
Andy turned to leave and he noticed me standing in the doorway smiling sweetly at the two of them. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I quickly dropped my gaze and shrugged quickly leaving the room and going to the kitchen grabbing something to drink. I heard the heavy steps of combat boots and instantly knew Andy was walking into the kitchen. I turn around and our faces aren't even a foot apart. I narrow my eyes at him. "Ever heard of personal space?" He rolled his eyes. "Who are you?" I looked at him confused. "I told you my names st-" "No, not like that, just never mind." Okayy thennn. Now he's being weird. I stepped away from him and sipped some of the milk out of my glass. "Anyways, why were you smiling at us like that?" I lean against the counter and take another sip. "Well, because you made him smile." He looked at me with a confused expression, "What do you mean, doesn't he always smile?" I sigh and put my drink on the counter. "A little while ago his sister died in a car accident, he used to smile so big like the world was perfect until she died in the hospital the day after the accident and for a while he never smiled. We got him into a couple bands to cheer him up because their music helped us to in our times of depression, your band for example. You became his idol. He really only smiles like he used to when theirs a mention of you or your band and just getting to see you was probably one of the best things to happen to him. So I thought it was sweet he was smiling like that, that's why I was watching ya'll."
"Ahem, well that was deep." I laughed softly, "Yeah, I guess it was." We stood there and stared at each other for a little longer just looking into each others eyes. I just noticed how pretty his eyes were, the were like a bright grey rimmed with black and they gleamed in the light. It was so weird how I noticed this. I quickly shook my head and cleared my throat. "Well, you should get going. I bet you have other things to do." He was still staring at me and then he seemed to quickly snap out of it. "Oh uh yeah, nice to meet you." I smile. "Nice to meet you to, Andy." I nod at him and follow him to the door quickly waving as he takes his leave. I collapse on the couch and sigh. That was really weird.

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