Chapter 27: Uh-oh

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 Remington had drove me home and we had said nothing besides his consistent apologies. Though of course I ignored him because I knew if I said something, I wasn't going to stop. And I also didn't feel like hitting him and us wrecking. Once we had gotten to the house I had slammed the door to the car which was kinda a mistake. All the lights in the house were off but one flicked on and I knew Andy was awake now if he was asleep. Before I could even make the first step towards the house Andy was out the door in a fury with his phone gripped in his hand. I thought he was going to hit me until I saw Remington falling to the ground. Andy was rubbing his fist, then I looked back down to Remington who had a huge red fist print along his nose and cheek with major blood running down his nose. "Gah! You-You, why?!" Remington yelled at Andy and held his nose. "You kissed my girlfriend! You fucking idiot! Get off my property before I do it again!" He grabbed me by my wrist, not rough though. He brought me inside and slammed the door, fuming.

I put my hand onto his shoulder, "Andy I promise I didn't know he would do that. And it wasn't a date at all! Well, not in my eyes but apparently he thought different." Andy sighed and ran a hand through his hair, dropping his phone onto the table next to the door and walked into the living room. His phone screen was still lit up, picking it up I scanned the screen. It was a picture that was tagged to his twitter page. It was of Remington leaning in, my expression a bit confused. I scrolled down to see another photo of Remington kissing me and my brows are furrowed with anger. I put the phone back down and walked into the living room. There was a light brown couch closest to the wall and Andy was sprawled across it. I walked over to him and sat down on the floor, resting my head on his stomach. I felt him tense up for a second then look down and relax. "I would say I'm sorry but I have nothing to apologize for considering I didn't do anything." I felt his hand go gently through my hair. "I know love, I know." From outside you could hear the rumble of Remington's car pulling out of the drive way.

We entered the bedroom and collapsed on the bed in each others arms. "My brother's a retard." I laughed and shook my head. "Nah, I still think he's a good man. Just made a bad decision." He chuckled, "You always see the good in people." "Not always, but sometimes." I yawned and turned my head to look up at him. "Your not mad at me are you?" He smiled and leaned his head down, kissing me sweetly then pulling away. "No I could never be mad at you for something you obviously didn't do." That made me happy. The last thing I would want is for Andy to be mad at me. I was then about to fall asleep when I heard a scream coming down the hall and Angel bursting into my room with Paige on her tail. They both jumped on the bed and hid under the covers next to us. I raised an eyebrow and got up pulling the covers back. "Girls what're ya'll doing?" Angel was shaking with fear, "We-We saw a m-monster!" At that time the door burst open again with a shadow seen against the dark which looked like a sheet with a person under it. The light flicked on and Ashley pulled a sheet off himself. I face palmed. "God damnit Ashley, what're you doing here?"

Ashley, Jack, Jinxx, and CC had ended up coming over after they heard about the news of me and Remington. We all sat in the living room with the girls sitting next to the guys being weird. Andy had explained to them what happened and we were all cool after that. "Soo, who's these two lil' munchlings?" CC asked, messing up Angels already blonde bed head. "These are my two daughter's. The little one is Angel, and the bigger one is Paige." All of their jaws dropped. "You had kids?!" I shook my head. "No, I adopted them while I was on tour." They seemed to relax a bit more but were still freaked out about it. Andy decided to catch up with the guys while the girls started to french braiding the guys hair. I decided to lean against the couch and check my phone. My phone was blown up with notifications from Facebook and Twitter. I decided to check my twitter and there was a lot of crap. People were tweeting the photos many times and tagging me in it as well as Andy and hate messages. But there was a few that realized it was him who did the kiss. I slammed my phone down on the table.

The next day I had gotten a call from Lava Records. They were not too happy with me and I had explained to them what happened. "We are aware but you should be careful with bad publicity. It is not good for yours or the bands image." I bit my lip, this really pissed me off. But sometimes I forget that that's what being famous is all about the people that enjoy you're music and the publicity that you get. And considering we just got back from a big tour we were pretty known in a couple states. After the call I ended it and put it back in my pocket. We were at the mall currently with the girls and what not. We decided to go to hot topic and that's when the drama started. A girl probably somewhere around 19 or 20 had noticed Andy and came up to us. She started nagging onto me how i'm a bad girlfriend and don't set a good example for the girls. Than another girl came up and started as well and just multiplied. Me and Andy walked out, the day ruined and we ignored them. I was fine with it until a fourteen year old came up and started pushing on Paige and Angel, right in front of us. That's when I grabbed her by the back of her shirt and pulled her away. "Listen little girl! I don't know who you are but you do not and I mean YOU DO NOT, lay your hands on my daughters! Now run off before I tell your mom!" I let her go and she fell on her butt and we left. I heard the pictures being tooken as we walked away and knew only more shit was going to start.

Would you look at that...I actually have a heart (Andy Biersack Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant