Chapter 7: My weirdness got the best of me...sorry

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    I sat around in Andy's living room listening to embarrassing stories his friends are telling me from when they were in high school while Andy sits there scowling which I do find adorable and over all funny. "Come on guys, cut it out. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to hear embarrassing stories about me from high school." "Nah, I think it's pretty interesting to know more things than normal fans, and plus, I do have to admit you were a very clumsy and reckless teen." CC laughs, "He still is." I roll my eyes and decided to save Andy from any more embarrassment. "Okay, since I don't know bunch about the rest of ya'll. Why don't you all tell me one thing about yourselves." I could see Andy give a sigh of relief in the corner of my eye and I smiled. "Okay, I go first! My name is Ashley Purdy-" I cracked up laughing. He gives me a confused look and I settle down. "S-sorry, just your name it's so funny, anyways continue." Ashley scoffed and I could tell all the guys were trying to hold back their laughter. "Like I was saying my name is Ashley purdy and all the girls love me."
"Keep dreaming Ashley." Jake said rubbing Ashley's head like a child. "My name is Jake Pitts-" I cracked up laughing again. "Pitts? Like arm pitts?" He glared at me and I settled down AGAIN. The guys roll their eyes while he continues. "My name is Jake pitts and I have a dog named Trixy." All the guys said their names and something about them which a lot of it was interesting. Andy refused to say anything, claiming that I pratically know his whole life story though we all know he was just being over dramatic.
A little while later after story telling, watching movies, a tragic food fight, every one was pretty much tired and couldn't even keep their eyes open for a second so they headed off to bed, well besides Andy. "Well, I guess it's time for me to get going i'll see you later." I headed to the door till he spoke up. "Wait, it's almost 1 in the morning why don't you stay here for the night. You can have my bed if you want." I shook my head, "Nah, it's fine, Loralie will kill me if she found out I was here anyways." "Just tell here you went somewhere it's not like she owns you." Erg, how do I get myself out of this. Truth be told is, I don't want to stay here. The last thing I need is to be stuck in a house with a bunch of guys, and obviously something bad is bound to happen if I stay. "No, i'm fine. See you later Andy." He sighed. "Ok fine, at least let me drive you home." "Alright, i'll let you drive me home." "Okay! i'll be right back I got to get my keys." He walked off in a hurry.
I didn't know giving people rides made him that excited, well then. I don't think I will ever understand what goes on in that guys head. One minute he's depressed and tired next he's happy and wants to drive me home. Well, I guess you do have to be a little crazy to be as kawaii as he is. He reapeared from around the corner and was standing in front of me in the blink of an eye. "Ready to go?" I nodded and he grabbed my hand dragging me outside and into his car.
Once we were on the road we were headed in the opposite direction of the apartment which through me off. "Look if you're trying to kidnap me, i know kung-fu." I made a motion with my hands making him laugh. "No but i'm serious where are we going?" He smiles, "We are going to the park!" I roll my eyes and hit my head on the back of the seat. I'm way to tired for this shit, but oh well. I closed my eyes and instantly fell asleep not really caring where I was or anything. Once I woke back up I was being caried by someone. My eyes fluttered open staring at a very sharp jaw. "Well hello there mr.ballsack. How was your day?" He rolled those pretty blue eyes of his. I rested my arms around his neck and stuffed my head in the crook of his neck as I heard a door open. He must be walking me into the apartment. I looked around once he stepped inside, yep, home sweet home indeed. He went to lay me on the couch and as he did I pulled him down with me and hugging his waist as he was stuck on top of me. "S-star!"
He stared at me wide eyed and I laughed at his reaction and the blush that crept across his face. "Yes?" He tried to pull away but I kept him against me. "Shhh, cuddle buddy it's otay. Don't worry, be happy." He sighed and relaxed giving in. "Would you please let me go? This is innapropriate." I laugh, "So you don't find this the least bit interesting Mr.Biersack?" He doesn't say a word and looks away in shame. "That's what I thought, now sleep my cuddle buddy, sleep." "You know I can't. Your friend will freak if he sees me like this, and I need to be home." I shook my head and hugging his waist tighter. "Zack's working a night shift so he wont be back till tommorow and none of my other friends will care. So pleaseee? Just this once?" He sighs. "Fine, just this once, but can I atleast lay a little more comfortably?" I nodded and let him lay on his side, him pulling me to his chest as i hug him and bury my face in the crook of his neck us both feeling tired.
Austin walked by randomly and stopped staring at us, Andy looked at him about to get up when Austin just shrugged and walked off to the kitchen. Andy gives me a weird stare and I just shrug getting comfy again as well as him as he sets his head against mine and I could feel his breath slowing down meaning he's falling asleep and mine as well. I don't know what came over me to ask Andy biersack to cuddle with me for the night. But i'm glad I did, i've had the best sleep i ever had i a long time...  

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