Chapter 25: yet another boring day on the road

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  I had explained everything to Andy and he was pacing back and forth, holding the bridge of his nose in thought and irritation. He then stopped and looked at me, grabbing my shoulders. Before he could talk I spoke up, "You don't have to help take care of them, you can leave me if you want but they are my kids now." He shook his head and crashed his lips to mine. My eyes widened for a second then closed. He pulled away as did I. "I'll help you take care of them but you could have spoke with me about this before you did it." I looked down, "I'm sorry." The girls were looking at each other with confusion. "Don't be, i'm happy. Of course were kinda rushing into stuff and I don't think you were thinking at the time but i'm going to help you give them a good life." I smiled at him, he only keeps reminding me why I fell in love with him.
Andy decided to stay with us for a month of the tour which made me happy. The girls were happy to sit down and talk with him considering they were huge fan girls of Black Veil Brides. Angel apparently liked CC better and Andy had promised her she would be able to meet him when they got home. Which only made her more excited to get there. Andy decided to take the bunk next to me though I don't even know why he claimed it he just sleeps with me anyways. I was glad he brought luggage it wasn't a lot but he can just buy more. On our way to Pueblo we decided to stop at a mall and get the girls a brand new wardrobe considering everything they had old tattered clothes. Which we all gladly threw away. We let the girls pick out all the clothes they wanted which was pretty expensive and Andy helped me pay for it all.
We were finally back on the road and almost there. The girls were trying on all their clothes, I kinda saw that coming. Almost every little girl does that. Me and Andy were cuddling on the couch, watching a movie on Netflix. Zack, Loralie and Austin were sitting at the kitchen table playing Uno for some apparent reason. Well I guess when you're bored and have nothing else to do it works. The bus came to a stop and we looked outside. We saw the place where we would be performing, it wasn't as big as the last one. The girls stuck to one outfit, Raigen was in a black goth skirt with safety pins down one side and an ACDC tank top. Angel wore black tights with an over sized black Honda hoodie on. I slipped into black skinny jeans and a Falling In Reverse T-shirt. Taking the girls hands we left and headed inside to get ready.
After the concert we all went out to eat and a lot of fans recognized Andy and came up, taking pictures and getting autographs. Even some wanted mine and the others. We were FINALLY able to sit down and get food. Angel decided to sit on Andy's lap and that's when another fan came up. She was about to say something but then she saw Angel on his lap and she glared. "Who are you?" She said in a cocky voice. I raised an eyebrow when Angel answered her. "Angel, who are you?" The girl only seemed to glare even more. "I'm Andy's fan. And you seem to be TOO close to him." She shrugged, "He's my Dad, I can be this close." Andy's eyes lit up with happiness and I laughed slightly at him. The girl's eyes widened and Andy grabbed her notebook and signed it. "I'm sorry but me and my family are trying to eat dinner in peace." She took the notebook and went back to her table with her friends. We finally got to have some peace until the Paparazzi showed up. They were asking who the girls were. We all got fed up and left without a word.
Me and Andy were sitting on the couch and it's only been an hour. Angel jumped onto Andy's lap which surprised him for a sec till she started tickling him. He almost knocked her off till Raigen decided to tickle him too.Then I joined in and Andy was laughing pretty hard. "Mwuahhaha, feel the rath of the girls!" Andy laughed and wriggled around even more. "No! Save me!" Zack and Austin pulled us away. Andy sat up and finally was able to breath. "I hath been saved!" Austin and Zack then started tickling him and then the laughing started up again. Loralie walked in rubbing her eyes, Zack stopped and 'awed'. Andy was able to push Austin off and ran behind Loralie. "Man, i'm too tired for this shit." She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a coke while Andy just stood there. We all laughed at his stupidity.
"Mom, where are we going next?" Angel was sitting on my lap, playing with my phone while we talked. "Were going to Lubbock, Texas then to Dallas, then Houston." She yawned, "I can't wait!" I tilted my head. "Are you tired?" She shook her head quickly, "No!" Andy came over and picked her up. "Let's get you to bed." She groaned in protest but gave in anyway as he left the room. Raigen continued to stare out the window. I phone started ringing and I looked at the called ID. It said it was Remington which through me off but I answered. "Hey." There was a pause, "Hey! Is my brother with you?" "Not at the moment." There was yet another pause before he answered. "Uh, well, uhm, I was wondering if when you got back..would you like to, um catch a movie?" I raised an eyebrow. "Are you asking me on a date?" I heard him give a shaky sigh. "Uh, yeah." I shrugged. "Why not, but as FRIENDS." He didn't say anything but 'k,bye' and hung up. Well that was certainly weird.
Andy walked back into the room and plopped down next to me. "Who was that?" I laughed slightly, "It was Remington, apparently he asked me on a date." Andy's expression changed from calm to pretty pissed. "What?" "Yeah, he called and asked me if I wanted to go on a date when we get back. I said yeah but as friends." He growled and grabbed his phone, he started to rage text Remington which amused me. Ah, brothers.  

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