Chapter 20: Plans, annddd more plans

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  A month later and we already have our first album released. Apparently after our opening concert with Black Veil Brides a lot of people have been begging to hear us again. So when they all heard we released our very first album copies were being sold fast which was really good. Remington had come back and he decided that he was going to get a new house here in town near Andy and so is his band mates. Andy was thrilled about it and i'm glad. It's good to see him happy that he finally knows his brother and that they want to get to know each other better. What's also awesome is that they are famous themselves. They recently got signed so that's good as well. I even listen to their music from time to time. Loralie and Zack had gone on many dates and even are deciding to bump it up a level.
At the moment i'm at Andy's home. Were hanging out on the couch with his brother who won't stop flirting with me. I don't think Andy notices this, and if he does then he doesn't care because he seems absolutely fine. I looked at Andy in confusion but he didn't even pay attention. I look at the TV and Justice league Unlimited and Batman was on the screen. That's why! I laugh and look over at Remington who's staring back at me. I take a pillow and toss it at him which hits him hard in the face. He takes it away from his face making me giggle. He chuckled and Andy finally tore his focus from the TV and looked between me and Remington with a confused look. "Are you two fighting?" I shrugged, "You could call it that."
Andy sighed and I stood up, "Well I guess it's time that I leave." Remington as well as Andy stood up and they spoke at the same time, "I'll walk you to the door!" I raised an eyebrow and Andy turned his head to glare at his brother. I walked to the door as they both followed. I rolled my eyes and turned around, pecking Andy on the cheek and left without a word. Those brothers are really weird in my opinion, especially Remington. He kinda got on my nerves today but I guess that's just him being him. I decided to take the long walk back to the apartment instead of taking a taxi. Nature is really pretty in my opinion even if you cant see a lot of it. And plus, it gives me time to think. I decided to live with Zack still until he turns 18, I enjoy living with him anyways.
My phone started ringing in my back pocket. I pulled it out and answered, "Hello?" Heavy breathing was coming from the other end then a rush of words. "FallingInReverseishavinganewtourandwantustojoin!" I sighed, "Your going to have to speak clearer Loralie. "Falling In Reverse is having a new tour and want us to join!" I gasped and almost dropped my phone. I had to grip it harder, not really trusting my self with it. "Your kidding me right?! I mean it's so soon as well!" "I know that's what I thought too! But Ronnie confirmed it himself! The tour starts in a month." I was so excited I was jumping up and down on the side walk which got me a couple weird stare's from random pedestrians. "Okay, okay, i'm calm now. This is so awesome! But i'm confused as too why they chose us." "Who cares! We get to tour with Falling in reverse, THE Falling In reverse!" I smiled wide. "Alright, we gotta celebrate the way we always do. You get all the junk food and bring yours and Austins butt over to the apartment and I'll see if Zack can take off from work early." She agreed and hung up.
Later that day we were all sitting around and eating junk food while watching the new movie Finding Dory. Yes we are all still kid's at heart. I started thinking about the tour and then it clicked in my mind, School starts back up in a month. How could I be so stupid! Me, Zack and Austin still have our senior year till we graduate and we can't tour without missing it. I groaned and laid my head back. Loralie looked over at me, "What's wrong?" I sighed, "The tour starts in a month, but so does school." Loralie shook her head, "The way were going, your not gonna need to finish school." I just looked at her with an 'are you serious?!' face. Loralie had already graduated highschool last year. At least she has that going for her. And I am not dropping out of highschool for the band. "Or maybe we can skip this year and go back next time school starts. It gives us a year to tour and get our band going and then we can take a break from the band for a couple months so we can finish highschool." We looked over at Austin with wide eyes. "That's brilliant!" We all cheered and Loralie spoke, "And I can start a solo career for a bit until the band starts back up again." I smiled, "So we have it all planned out!"
By the end of the night they had all fallen asleep once again. Of course it's always been hard for me to sleep but I guess I just can't help it. I don't have insomnia or anything just some nights my mind just doesn't wanna stop working. I decided to call Andy to see if hes awake. It took the phone a while to ring, when it was answered Remingtons voice came through. "Star?" I sighed, "Hey, is Andy awake?" "Nah he passed out about an hour ago. Do you need something?" "Nah just was bored." He shuffled around for a second then spoke again, "Oh ok, well i'll let him know. Night, love-ahem i mean star!" I giggled at his weirdness and said goodnight, hanging up. Well that was pointless. I decided to just go to bed and that's exactly what I did.  

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