if im lucky

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When you met Michael you knew you were head over heals for him, and you were falling too fast. You met Michael at the worst time, you were leaving for school in a few months and he was starting tour soon after. Both of you weren't so sure what was going to become of your relationship, but you knew it was going to hurt a lot. The ultimate summer fling, you spent as many days as you could with him. You'd always feel so nervous before you saw him, but once you were with him it was like you did't have a care in the world. Late night conversations under the stars after watching the sunset, sitting in his car while it poured, and listening to him playing guitar was all you wanted to do. Every time you thought about seeing him you couldn't help but think about the inevitable end of you relationship. You cared deeply about Michael, but you knew this wouldn't last. After a while you began to feel yourself pushing him away until eventually you ignored all of his calls. His messages consisted of him begging and pleading for you to answer, asking what he did wrong, and if you were okay. The next message was what hit you....it was Michael saying that he had no other way to get his message across than this. He began strumming a guitar and singing. He explained how he had so much to say and it didn't matter if you stayed with him or went on your own, he was right there for you. You were both just trying to find who you were supposed to be. He ended the message by asking for you to come over. Before you could even second guess it, you ran out of the door and drove towards Michael's house. As soon as you saw him you ran in to his arms. "I'm sorry, Michael. I'm just so scared of leaving you" you said, mumbling in to his chest. "I'm not going anywhere" he replied. You knew that even if you were scared, you knew that you wanted to be with Michael no matter how many miles separated you.

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