You're Non-Australian and Under 18 & Dating - Malum

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so i decided to do it for both of them bc i can totally relate to this one okeeee  



"What, no... it's like 2:30 am right now. What time is it there?"

"It's almost 7 pm. But babe! We're going on tour!!"

"Really? Where?"

"All over! Including the US!"

"Seriously! Oh my gosh... are you coming here?"

"Yes babe, I'm coming back to you."


"In a month... but we're going to be in LA for a few months before then so we can see each other then!"

"Michael! I can't believe this is happening!"


You stand there in the airport, waiting for your boyfriend and his band to come out. You sit down against a wall and start to look through your phone. You soon get distracted scrolling through tumblr and forget what's going on. You're woken from your other world with a familiar voice.

"Babe!" your head shoots up.

"Michael!" you basically scream, standing up and hugging him.

"I can't believe I can actually see you!"

"Me either! I missed you so much!"

They soon get all their bags and you drive them over to your house so they can get a nice home cooked meal from your parents before living on their own for a while. You all pile in front of the tv and start watching Spongebob when you realize that you have a shit load of homework that you haven't even started that's all due tomorrow. You excuse yourself and go into your bedroom. Michael follows behind you about fifteen minutes later.

"Hey Michael." you smile up at him then get back to your school work.

"Whatcha doin?" he asks, sitting behind you on the bed so now you're in between his legs.

"Still doing homework." you sigh as you close your math book.

"So does that mean you're done now?"

"No, it means I'm done with math. Now I have to do chemistry."

"How much of it?"

"Probably like two more hours." you say, sighing again.

"Can't you do it later?"

"No... it's like 5:30 and it's due tomorrow."

"That means you have extra time!"

"Michael, you know the deal I made with my parents."

"Yeah yeah... that if you get straight a's by the time you graduate, you can take a gap year and tour with me before college." he sighs, knowing that he's lost.

"I don't like it either Michael, but it's what I have to do as long as I'm living under their roof."

"We should run away?"

"And go where?"

"Anywhere. Together."

"It'd be kinda hard with all the paps."

"Yeah... it was a bad idea. But I just can't wait until next year when we'll be together at last."

"We're together right now, Michael."

"But I mean like permanently. Not just for a few months. For a whole year."

"I honestly can't wait."

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