what he does when your upset

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Michael is always worried if something was wrong. He hadn't really had a girlfriend that lasted as long as you did so he didn't have to deal with them being upset. When something did hurt you though, he would stay calm. He would hold you while you cry and keep you safe. If it was a person that made you upset, he would do anything and everything to make that person pay.


When you were upset, Calum would watch your favorite movies with you, even if he'd seen them a thousand times. He would also go and buy you a ton of food because he knew your love of it. When you would cry, he'd kiss you repeatedly and constantly tell you how beautiful and perfect you are to him. He would do everything possible to see your smile again.


Ash was terrified when you were upset. He would pace around if you are upset, thinking of ways to make you happy. He truly didn't know how to deal with that type of situation. He would cook for you and let you relax. He will always ask you what's wrong and let you vent to him.


Luke would almost copy your mood. He would get sad when you cried and curl up in bed with you. He would repeatedly kiss you and tell you everything would be alright. He would constantly worry about you and constantly ask you if everything was okay.

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