You Like Each Other But You Want To Make Him Jealous

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You sit down on the couch after a long day and kick your shoes off. Ashton comes walking in and sits down on the couch next to you. You sigh.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"I don't know... just a lot on my mind, I guess." you say, not wanting to tell him what's wrong, but also not wanting to lie.

"What's on your mind then?" he asks. He had been your friend for about two years and you could tell him almost everything.

"I don't know, just after working all day with you guys in the studio, and having to see him, I just got kinda sad that I'm still not with him." you sigh.

You had already told him about your crush on Michael, which you now realized was turning into way more than a crush. You're a songwriter and you're helping them write songs for their next album, which they're already starting on. Being in a room with just them for so long and poring your emotions into every lyric that you wrote was hard when all you wanted to do was grab Michael's shoulders and shake him and tell him that all those words were for him.

"I've been thinking about it and I realized that when Michael gets jealous, he gets very jealous. There is no in between."

"And? There's nothing for him to be jealous of."


"Why would he be jealous of you?"

"If, for instance, we said that we were dating. Or did something like that. Like he would get very jealous of me."

"Again, why would he be jealous of you?"

"Because he may or may not kind of have the same feelings as you."

"What?" you sit there in disbelief.

"Yeah..." Ashton trails off.

You both sit in silence for a little bit. Until you decide to speak up.

"Do you think it'll work?"

"I think it would."

"Then can we try it?" you ask, your voice in a low whisper now.

"Sure." he smiles.

You spend the next few hours trying to come up with a plan and it was exhausting. Soon, your eyes grow tired and you lean your head against Ashton's arm. He leans back and you both fall asleep on the couch. You wake up hours later to the sound of three teenage boys yelling and jumping around. You slowly sit up and rub your eyes. Ashton follows after you.

"What the hell guys?" Ashton questions them. They decided to go out to a pub after the day in the studio, but you and Ash had decided to go straight home.

"Just ignore them. I'm going to sleep." the completely tired, sober, and underage, Luke, says, walking up the stairs to his bedroom.

Ashton takes one look at Calum and decides that he needs to help him get up to bed, so he gets up and does exactly that. This leaves you and Michael in the room. Michael is usually the first to get drunk while at a pub next to Calum, but Michael now seems completely sober.

"Hey." you smile at him.

He nods at you and starts walking towards the stairs. He stops right before his foot lands on the first one.

"So are you and Ashton a thing now?" he asks, turning to face you.

"What?" you say, trying not to get defensive, because you need this plan to work.

"You know, you and Ashton. We saw you guys sleeping on each other. Are you a thing now?"

"I'm not going to answer that, but even if we were why does it matter?"

"I just wanna know."

"Well if it ever happens, I'll be sure you're the first to know." you reply, very sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and turns to walk back up the stairs. He takes very slow steps up to the third stair and turns back around to you.

"You know what, if that ever happens, don't bother telling me."

"Michael, you're drunk, go to bed."

"I didn't have a single drop of alcohol." he says bluntly.

"Then why are you being a dick?" you say, taking a step onto the first stair.

He rolls his eyes and turns to start walking back up.

"Michael." you try to demand, but it comes out a little desperate.

"How do you not know?" he whispers.

"Not know what?" you say, walking fast to catch up with him, but he starts to walk up the stairs. You catch up with him at the top.

"Have you not noticed? Every single day all I want to do is tell you. Every single song lyric that we've written, I've wrote for you. I really like you, y/n, but I guess I was just too late." he sighs and stalks over to his room. You stand there, frozen, but realize what you need to do. You put your hand up to stop his door from shutting and he looks from the ground up to your face.

"What?" he grunts.

You take a step closer to him, put your arm around his neck and kiss him.

"Aren't you and...." he starts to say when the kiss breaks.

"No, dumbass, he's basically my brother. I like you. How have you not noticed?"

"I don't know... I guess I..."

"Oh shut up." you smile, leaning up to kiss him again.

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