you're on year younger then them

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"Do you guys wanna see a movie?" Ashton suggests.

"Sure." Michael agrees and stands up.

"What movie?" you ask.

"I wanna see 22 Jump Street!" Ashton smiles.

"yeah!" Michael highfives him and they walk out of the room.

Calum stands up and grabs your and Luke's hands to help both of you up.

"You guys realize that I'm 16 right?"

"And?" Luke asks.

"That means I can't see R rated movies."

"Oh..." Luke trails off, not knowing what to say.

"Hey guys!" Calum calls.

"No, Calum, it's fine." you say, patting his back. He shrugs and catches up with his other friends.

"Do you wanna just see a different movie?" Luke asks, grabbing your hand and entwining your fingers together.

"No, it's chill." you smile.

"How will you get in?"

"Have you seriously never snuck into a movie before?"

He looks at you, not wanting to respond.

You giggle, "it's fine Luke. I'll buy a ticket to see a lower rated movie then walk into the other one."

"It's hot when you break the rules."

"This isn't a big rule to break." you laugh.

"You're still hot."


"SURPRISE!" everyone screams as Ashton turns on the lights.

"You didn't." you blush at him.

He smiles and shrugs.

"Thank you." you smile and hug him. He hugs back and kisses the top of your head. You turn back around and see all of the party guests smiling at you.

"Happy birthday, y/n!" you hear Luke scream and run at you. He attacks you in a hug and you hug him back.

"I actually helped plan this! Michael and Calum just sat there pretending to blow up balloons." he smiles, proudly.

"Thanks, Luke!" you laugh.

"And since this party is so great, will you buy me alcohol now that you're 18?" he awkwardly smiles.

"Maybe." you wink, then turn and grab Ashton's hand.

You decide to walk around and say hi to everyone that came to see you. Ashton ended up inviting quite a lot of people and you were surprised he could get a hold of this many of your friends. You decided that since it was your first night of being legal that you would drink openly. You hadn't really realized how many drinks you had had by the end of the night, but Ashton definitely did. Once everyone left, he carried you upstairs bridal style and laid you down in bed.

"Hey Ashton" you whisper. He comes down next to you and starts stroking your hair.

"Yeah?" he whispers back.

"I'm legal now." you smirk.

"You're also drunk now."

"I don't care. We have to celebrate." you wink.

"You sure?"

"Yeah." you smile.

It's not like you hadn't done it before, but now it was marking a milestone in your life, and Ashton was proud to be part of it.


You had been waiting in line for the hottest club in London for about 30 minutes before someone recognized the boys and decided to let all of you inside. They didn't even card you and you were quite excited. Michael and the boys all knew that you were 17, but it still didn't occur to them that you were underage. You run around the whole place, trying to explore a place that you wouldn't get to go into for quite a few more months. It was then it occurred to Michael.

"You're not allowed in here." he roughly whispers to you.

"So?" you cockily ask back.

"What if we get caught?"

"Then we should get caught doing something besides standing here." you wink and take his hand. You drag him off to the bathroom, but realize how packed it is in there, so you decide to find another place. You walk around everywhere but you can't find anywhere. Finally, Michael realizes that there's a VIP area where they said any of the band members could go. He drags you up the stairs and you see a group of obviously rich and/or famous people and you start blushing intensely.

"Hey guys, where's the bathroom?" Michael asks them. One guy points in a direction and you both start walking over there. He takes you into the guys' room and locks the door behind you. He briskly starts kissing your neck all the way up to your face. You hear a knock on the door but you both ignore it. He begins running his hands up your shirt when you hear another knock.

"Ignore it." he roughly whispers.

You nod and start kissing his neck.

The knock comes again, but this time a lot louder and longer. You sigh and push Michael off of you.

"Later." you smile.

He sighs and slowly opens the door to see who it is.

"Hey Ash." he groans. You decide that since it's just him, it doesn't matter if he knows you're there, so you push Michael out of the bathroom and you follow behind.

"Oh makin nastay!" Ashton says, shaking his hips.

"Oh shut up!" Michael snaps.

"You little rebels!" he winks before going into the bathroom.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" he whispers seductively at you.

"Yeah, but not before we enjoy this. I don't get into clubs often." you giggle and drag him out to the dance floor.


You lay in bed using your finger to trace over each of his tattoos. Your neck gets tired of holding your head up off of the bed and you lay it down on his shoulder.

"Should I get one?"

"A tattoo?"


"If you want one." he calmly responds.

"I'd have to wait a little bit though."

"Yeah." he sighs.

"What should I get? I always wanted something special like song lyrics or like a music note."

"That'd be cool." he smiles.

"What if I got an anchor?"

"That'd be really cool." he laughs lightly.

"And you could get wings."


"You know the song? You be the anchor that keeps my feet on the ground, I'll be the wings that keep your heart in the clouds."

"You remembered one of my favorites." he smiles again.

"It's one of mine too. In fact it describes us pretty well." you say, then go back to tracing the feather on his chest.

"Let's make a deal. If we're still together a year from now when you turn 18, then we'll get the tattoos."

"Deal." you smile, then rest your hand on his stomach. Your eyes slowly flutter closed and as you're falling asleep, you feel him kiss your forehead then whisper, "I love you."

"I love you too." you whisper back before falling asleep.

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