you hate each other, but get drunk and wake up next to each other

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"I fucking hate your guts!" you drunkenly yell at him as you throw a dart into the dart board.

"I fucking hate you!" he yells back before throwing a dart further from the bullseye than you.

"You fucking suck!" you laugh.

"Yeah but you swallow!" he laughs to himself.

"Oh shut the fuck up!" you roll your eyes and turn to face him. You feel your legs give out a little and you fall into his chest. He tries to catch you, but being as drunk as you are, he falls too. You start giggling and so does he. You look into his brown eyes, or where you think his eyes are and you see his lips form a smirk. You let out your last breath of laughter and try to stand up, but you can't really. He uses a nearby chair to stand up and after, he grabs your hands to help you up. He pulls you up with more force than he needs and you pummel into him, but he doesn't fall over. Instead, his arms protectively wrap around you and you look up at him. Before you know it, you're heading up the stairs into Luke's room and falling on the bed.

The next morning you wake up with a pounding headache. You start rubbing your temples and turn to your other side. You roll over something and figure that it's just a bottle. You grab it and realize that it's a hand. You trace the line from his hand to his face with your eyes and realize that it's Calum. You gasp and his head starts to flinch. He slowly blinks his eyes open and rubs his temples.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" you whisper.

"Yeah." he groans.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." he smiles.

"Did we?"

"Yeah." he smirks.

"Wow." you say, almost in disbelief.

"Yeah." he whispers.

"Was this just–" you start, but then abruptly stop yourself.

"Was this just what?" he starts to say, but then you stand up super quickly and run out of the room after grabbing the first shirt you see in sight. When you put in on, you realize that it's the sweater he was wearing the night before and you sigh. You go downstairs and see Luke standing in the kitchen.

"Hey there y/n." he smiles, but he says it in a very sarcastic tone.

"What?" you immediately question.

"Have a good sleep?"

You stare at him for a few moments and look down. You reach up to run your hand through your hair and you decide it's time to leave. You bolt up the stairs to Calum's room to begin changing back into your clothes, but when you get there, your clothes are gone. You hear the door creak behind you and you turn around.

"Where are my clothes?" you whisper at him, not being able to speak much louder.

"I put them in the wash because I figured you'd want them to be clean. It'll only take an hour or so."

"Oh." you say in disbelief.

Not 12 hours before, you had been screaming profanities at him, thinking that you both hated each other, and now he was doing your laundry.

You both stand there in complete silence when he clears his throat and your head shoots up to look at him.

"Look, I know that it's seemed like we've hated each other for a long time, but I kind of like you and I really don't want to let last night get in the way of the hatred we're supposed to have for each other, but I would regret it every second of everyday if I never even talked to you about it, so I just want to know how you feel about what happened."

"Ummm...." you stutter out.

He looks at his shoes in defeat, then you take a few steps closer to him.

"Well, I could go on hating you, but that'd be quite hard." you chuckle.

"Would it be weird to take this a step past friendship?" he asks under his breath.

"Not at all." you shyly smile and his face slowly looks up and brightens.

"Really?" he whispers, smiling.

"No, I was kidding... Of course I'm serious, dumbass." you joke.

"I guess we'll never get tired of calling each other those special names we have, asswipe." he smiles pulling you into a hug.

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