You're a Swimmer and Get Stressed & Ash Calms You Down

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Part 1


You get home from your swim meet and you're exhausted. You start trying to do your homework, but you fall asleep at your desk. You wake up again at 12 pm and try to finish the work, but you can't. You climb into bed, still wearing your swim sweats and a large tee shirt. You wake up twenty minutes late and thank God that you took a shower the night before in the locker room. You quickly change into a band tee and jeans with vans and grab your backpack, running out the door. You grab a granola bar as you run out the door to your car. You go to turn on the engine, but it doesn't start. Great. Your parents are gone so no one can drive you to school. You quickly get your skateboard from the garage and skateboard as fast as you can to school while still eating the granola bar. You arrive twenty minutes late and get detention for being late so many times. Great, again. You walk out of class and see your best friend waiting for you. You weakly smile at him, opening your locker. You place your books inside and grab the ones for the next class.

"You seem sad." he finally says.

"Well..." you trail off, trying not to cry. It seems childish to cry, but it's been a hard time for you. Nothing seems to be going your way. You get in trouble for going to swim practice because it makes you tired and you can't finish homework and you get in trouble for missing swim practice because you're one of the best the school has and the coaches know you're good enough to make at least regionals this year.

"Are you okay?" he asks, taking a step closer. You look at the ground and put your hair behind your ear, then look at the sky, trying not to cry again.

"You're not." he says, wrapping his arms around you in a hug. You weakly hug him back resting your head on his chest. After a little while, he lets go and walks over to a nearby bench and sits down, motioning for you to sit next to him.

"What's going on?"

"Well, I can't seem to do anything right. My swimming practices go for too long so I can't pass any classes because I don't do homework or study and I get in trouble because I'm so late everyday and I'm just really stressed."

"Well how about we go out for ice cream tomorrow because there's no swimming on Saturdays and have a lazy day and just forget all the stress."

"Well I have detention tomorrow."

"Then we'll sneak you out. It shouldn't be that hard, I've done it before."

"Me too."

"Well good because I got caught, so you should be better" he giggles.

Hearing his giggle makes you crack open a smile.

"There's the smile I've been waiting for." he says, poking your cheeks playfully.

You look at the ground and giggle.

"Hey y/n" he says, almost in a question.


"Um... this might be weird but would you maybe consider tomorrow's ice cream date as a real date?"

You stop giggling and look at him. He looks scared at your reaction so you smile.

"Of course I would, Ash."


"Yeah, I mean I've liked you too."

"Wow. Well that takes a lot of stress out of my life." he sighs.

"Me too." you smile.

He looks in your eyes and slowly leans in and pecks your lips.

"You're amazing." he smiles.

"Thanks, Ash." you smile.

Part 2

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