demon - Luke

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You never expected the angelic blue eyed boy would be your worst nightmare. His bright smile and soft touch didn't indicate what he really was. The only thing that was off was him coming up to you.

"Uh hey. I was just um wondering if you would uh- like to see a movie or uh eat lunch... together?"

He was so nervous. It shocked you completely. It stunned you and when you didn't answer the boy looked defeated

"It's fine. Nevermind. I'll just leave and go die in a hole..."

He mumbled the last part and as soon as he turned you let out a quick whisper.


He turned slowly. His angelic face now completely contorted in confusion.

"Wait- What?"

You coughed in the awkward silence. You couldn't figure out if his friends dared him to ask you out and he couldn't believe he now had to go on a date with you or that you actually said yes to him and he was confused why you had responded positively.

"Um yes I'd like to go out with you."

His lips curved into a smile, but this time it was mischievous. As soon as he saw that you were confused by it, it went right back to the bright beautiful smile you had always seen.

You should have said no. That was the first warning sign and even though it would not be the last you never did listen to the voice inside your head saying something was not right about this boy.

The date went well and time went by. You never picked up on the signs with Luke. The times when you thought his eyes turned black and you couldn't see the whites of his eyes. When his veins looked black against the white contrast of his skin. You didn't notice the news when they stated that a killer was on the loose and it's victims looked so lifeless like their souls were taken. You should have listened.

You wished you would have because now standing before you wasn't Luke. His eyes weren't blue anymore and they didn't shine. his lips wore a smirk you had never seen before. His skin deathly pale and you could see the veins.

"Are you scared Princess?"

The nickname that used to bring a smile and a blush to you face didn't have that effect anymore. Now all it did was mock you. When you didn't answer the smirk became more prominent.

"Where's that pretty smile?"

Luke came closer to you and you started to back up slowly matching his pace. You turned suddenly and reached for the door. You tried opening it, but it was like it was jammed.

"You not going anywhere." Luke whispered.

You jumped and he grabbed ahold of you peppering kisses down your jaw and neck.

"W-what do you want from me?"

You asked struggling to get out of his iron grip.

"You baby girl. All I want is you."

You whimpered as he pulled you in closer and you could feel his breath on your skin. He pulled you in for a kiss and you squirmed to get free.

"Let me go!" You screamed.

Someone had to hear you. Someone had to come.

"What baby girl? You don't like me this way? I thought you said you would love me thick through thin?"

Now he- it was mocking you. You loved Luke not this creature.

"How about I change back? Will that make you happy baby? I've always been like this. I was just waiting for the right time."

Luke's voice was no longer gentle because it seemed like everything he said ended with a smirk. Like this was all a game- this was a game to him and he loved to play it. As soon as luke stopped talking his eyes turn back to blue and the vein disappeared. The smirk still stayed plastered on his face though. He again pulled you in and you felt your body let him. He looked like the Luke you knew and your mind let you be comforted by the sight. And you let him kiss you. The kiss started off so light and innocence, but then it felt weird. He was sucking the life out of you. You squirmed and thrashed hoping to get away, but he had his iron grip on you and you couldn't get away. You felt weak and your eyes droop.

Then everything was black and you could only hear laughter.

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