Wrong Luggage w/ Luke

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You sit there with your family in baggage claim, waiting for your bags to come out. Your parents were taking you to Sydney to meet one of their old friends from college. You figured you'd be bored to tears hearing all their old stories about their youth, but since you were finally getting to go to Sydney, you weren't complaining. You finally see your bag coming out of the mysterious baggage thing. You decide to wait for it to come over to you, but then you see a very attractive stranger pick it up.

"Dad, it that my bag?" you look up to your dad, who really isn't paying attention.

"What, sure honey." he says, still staring at the load of bags coming in. You roll your eyes and get up to see if you can get a closer look at the bag you think is yours... and the boy holding it.

You try to be subtle about it, but end up turning around and walking backwards into him.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." you say, trying to help him pick up the books he dropped.

"Nope I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." he says in his perfect Sydney accent.

"Hey, I'm pretty sure that's my bag." you say once everything was picked up.

"Really?" he says, looking down at the tag on it, "you're right, it is, sorry." he goes to give you the bag.

"It's not a problem." you smile, grabbing the bag.

"Hey you don't sound like you're from Sydney."

"I'm not, actually."

"Oh wow, well how long are you here for?"

"About three weeks, then I head back home."

"Well have you been here before?"

"Nope. My family's taking me here for the first time."

"Oh, well would you guys maybe like a tour of the city? I'm just coming home after being away on vacation, it would be fun to show you around." he smiles.

"I think that'd be nice." you smile back, figuring that your parents would rather have someone else do the tour guiding instead of them, as they had never been here before either.

"Hey, I should probably get back to my family..." he trails off, looking around for his family. He finally stares in the direction in which your family is.

"Are those your parents?" he asks.

You turn around and see someone who looks a lot like him just in middle age female form and realize that his mom is talking to yours.

"Yeah." you laugh.

"Well it looks like they've already hit it off too." he smiles.


"Yeah, I mean, you're pretty cute." he smiles.

"Well... should we go separate our parents before too many childhood stories are told?" you say, not able to take the compliment. He smiles and you walk over with him at your heels.

"So I see you guys have met as well." his mom smiles at you.

"Yeah." you shrug, trying to be as casual as possible while your stomach is turning and your head is spinning at the fact that this beautiful creature of a boy just called you cute.

"Well I'm Liz, I'm Luke's mum. You must be y/n." she smiles, putting her hand out.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." you smile awkwardly, shaking her hand.

"Well, Luke, this is the couple I was telling you about. We met a while ago while we were in college." Liz smiles at her son.

"Well, it looks like we have all the baggage." your mom smiles.

You look at Luke and he looks just as confused.

"Here honey, I got your bag for you." Liz smiles at him, handing him a bag almost identical to yours. He sighs and rolls his eyes and his mom calling him honey in front of you and takes the bag.

Liz walks in front of all of you, leading everyone out to a car which has a teenage boy about Luke's age in the driver's seat.

"This is Calum." Luke says to you.

"Hey. I'm y/n" you smile awkwardly.

Calum turns and winks at Luke, Luke again rolls his eyes and hops into the back of the van and you get in and sit next to him, allowing Liz to sit next to Calum and your parents to sit in the middle. You never realized how tired you were until you sat back down, but you try your hardest to stay awake. You look down to your backpack and realize that you left your headphones at home. You're surprised that you didn't realize on the plane, but you did sleep practically the whole time. Luke realizes and hands you the earbud that isn't sitting in his ear. You move over to the middle seat so the cord can reach your ear. He casually puts his arm over your shoulder and you scoot a little closer to him and rest your head on his shoulder. You close your eyes, completely relaxed and fall asleep to the sounds of All Time Low in your right ear.

You're slowly woken up by the car coming to a quick stop and shutting off. You open your eyes and realize that the car is now parked in a driveway. You slowly sit up and stretch your arms up. You quickly put them down, realizing how bad you smell from the plane flight and unbuckle the seatbelt and pick up your backpack and get out.

Once everyone is settled inside the house, you find yourself quite rested. You all pile onto the couch and the surrounding lounge chairs.

"So what would you guys like to do on your first day in Sydney?" Calum asks everyone.

"Just kinda meet back with everyone who lives here I guess." you mom suggests to Liz.

"Well I could take you to do that, maybe the kids could all hang out at their house." Liz suggests back and your parents nod their head in agreement, getting up and following Liz out the door.

"So... what do you guys wanna do?" Calum asks again.

You shrug.

"We could introduce her to the guys. I mean she's gonna be staying at my parents house for like three weeks so she might get bored and she'd probably have more fun with the idiots than my parents."


And those next three weeks were the best of your life, and even though you had to leave, they would always come to your city on tour just to see you and you and Luke began dating, as it was hard to ignore the undeniable chemistry.

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