you distract him and he likes you

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You're laying down on the couch just scrolling through tumblr while Michael sits on the floor in front of you playing video games against Calum, who is sitting next to him. Once your phone stops loading the gifs, you lock it and sit up and look at the tv. You look down at the boy sitting in front of you. Without even thinking, you begin massaging his shoulders. There's no real reason except his shoulders looked like they needed a massage and it was second nature to start doing it. It was probably because of his posture how tense his back looks from not sitting up straight. He immediately sits up straight and relaxes into your hands.

"GUYS WHAT KIND OF PIZZA SHOULD I ORDER?" you hear Ashton shout from the back of the bus.

"HAWAIIAN!" Calum shouts back, barely turning his head from watching the game.

"MICHAEL WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Luke screams after a few seconds.

He doesn't answer.

"MICHAEL?" Luke asks again.

"Dude, what pizza do you want?" Calum asks, nudging him.

He still doesn't answer. Calum looks up at you and smiles like a three year old. He nods his head at Michael and you know you have to step in.

"Hey Mike." you taunt, leaning closer to him.

"Hm?" he breathes out, looking at you for a second, then turning back how gamers do.

"What kind of pizza do you want?" you politely ask.

"Pepperoni." he smiles slightly before refocusing on the game.

"PEPPERONI." Calum yells at his two friends across the bus.

Michael looks startled at him but turns back to his game. You realize how much fun it would be to distract him and let Calum win this round because it's always funny to see Michael's reaction when he loses. You sit down on the ground next to him and scoot as close as possible. You see his eyes close in on the screen, trying to play it cool. You stretch your arms and lean over so your head is resting on his shoulder. You start playing with the hem of his sweater sleeve and you look innocently up at him. He has just taken a look down at you and you smile. He awkwardly smiles before looking back up.

"NO no no no no..." he begins muttering, looking at how badly his team is losing.

"YES YES YES YES!" Calum starts screaming.

A lot of profanities are screamed in the next few minutes as the game ends and Calum's team has won.

"Fuck this." Michael grunts, going to his bunk. Calum starts laughing, knowing he's gonna get over it, but you can't help but feel a little bit bad for distracting him, even if it was still really funny.

You laugh at Calum's happiness and go over to Michael's bunk. You peel back the curtain and see him laying down, scrolling through his phone.

"Hey." you lightly smile.

"Hey." he says awkwardly.

"Do you mind if I come up here?"

He shrugs. You hoist yourself up to the top bunk and sit next to him.

"Not used to losing?" you awkwardly laugh.

He shrugs, "guess not."

"Want another massage?" you laugh. His eyes shoot up to you then back down to his phone, still trying to play it cool.

He shrugs. You roll your eyes and sit him up so you can begin massaging him again.

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