hes addicted to ciggaretts

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"Calum what is that smell?" you ask him, knowing exactly what it is.

"Nothing." he says, looking away from you.

"Calum look at me and tell me what it is." you sternly respond.

"I just... it got hard."

"Doing what?"

"I don't know. I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I needed a fix."

"I told you not to anymore. I told you that as we start this family we couldn't live that way anymore. You know how hard it is more me to stop and now that I'm carrying our child I had to stop. I told you that I couldn't do this without your support. I'm so done with pretending that you aren't doing this behind my back." you say, running up the stairs to pack up all your things. You throw as many things of yours as you can into a duffel bag. Calum runs up the stairs and follows you into the bedroom. Everytime you try to throw something into the duffel bag, he takes two out. You give up and zip up the duffel bag as you're running down the stairs. You grab your set of keys and your cell phone and open the front door. Calum follows close behind you and closes the front door. You try to open it again, but his hand has a firm hold above your head on the door and you can't physically open it.

"Calum let it go." you mumble.

"Not until I can right what I did wrong."

"You fucked up, Calum. I know this isn't the first time. I can't raise this child with someone who only lies."

"I don't only lie. I promise I'll never do it again."

"You said that last time and the time before that, how do I know you're not lying again? The answer is I don't. I can never tell if you are lying anymore."

"I'll prove it to you." he says, leaving your side. You roll your eyes and readjust the shoulder strap on the bag. He comes back holding three packages of cigarettes and two bottles of hard alcohol. He opens the front door and runs out. He throws them on the front lawn and grabs a lighter out of his pocket.

"What the hell are you doing?" you growl at him, following him outside.

"I'm getting rid of all of these things. No more triggers for me. I promise I will never do this again. Me getting rid of this just proves that I won't."

"If you light that, you'll set our house on fire." you warn him.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Get rid of it without putting mine or our babies life in danger."

He stands in silence, his judgement clouded, and his love for you the only thing he cares about.

"I'll throw them away." he settles, picking them up and walking back inside. He throws the cigarettes into the trash and pours the alcohol down the drain. He then throws the bottles away and turns back to you.

"I promise you, baby. I will never ever betray your trust again. And if I do, so help me God I will never forgive myself. I love you and I love our baby."


"No please, I know how hard it is to believe me and if I was you I probably wouldn't. But you need to know how much I need you and how I couldn't possibly live without you. Those shit sticks caught me in a time of weakness but now they aren't here anymore and all I have is you and the baby. But you know what, that's enough for me. I promise. I love you so much and I would never try to hurt you. I admit that I fucked up and I am so sorry."

You feel a tear slowly drip down your face and you look down, trying to not let him see it. You close your eyes when suddenly you feel two arms wrap around you.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry." he mumbles into your hair over and over again, "I'll never do this ever again I promise. I swear on my life. I love you. I'm so sorry."

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