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*your name shall be Tanisha Brown💜

For your information, before anyone starts accusing and whatnot, I am not a racist nor am I prejudice. I'm just a woke ass female who don't take no shit, enjoy🙂💘

Based on a true story (of my own)

"We got a meeting in 10, Nisha."my coworker and most favored person at this hell hole, Gina, alerted, knocking on my office door. I sighed, rolling me eyes. "Lisa gone be there, too." I sighed, heavier. I stood from behind my desk and fixed my skirt, grabbing a folder with papers in it. I proceeded to walk out the door, Gina following behind, towards the board room, where the meetings were usually held.

"Get it together, Nisha."she told me. I looked at her. "It's always together. I'm always respectable but God forgive me, if this bitch try me on some fuck shit again, it's over." "Tanisha, I don't think now is the meeting to flip shit."she laughed as we walked in the room. Individual conversations took place as everyone waited for the boss. Gina and I took our seats next to each other.

"Why not?"I asked her. "I heard it was important. Like letting somebody in our department go, important." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who you hear that from?" She awkwardly cleared her throat, quickly looking across the table then looking down to her lap. I looked across from her and saw Lisa then laughed, shaking my head. "And you believe that?" "Well, Tanisha, you know how tight her and Turner are, you know that. So of course he would tell her something like that, would he not? You'd believe it, too, Nisha, for real."

I shook my head. "Still. Everybody in this department works their asses off to get not even half the shit she is literally given, Gina. And now all of a sudden somebody not good enough and they getting fired. That's crazy to me. All I know is if it's me or you, I'm lighting this hoe up."I said loud enough for her to hear. Afterwards, the boss came in and went straight for the head of the table, without a greeting. That's how you know something was wrong. "Well, I guess we about to see now."Gina whispered as everyone turned their attention on them.

"Good morning."he said, dryly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Good morning, Mr. Turner."we all echoed. "You all know why you're hear, right?"he asked, turning towards the board that was behind him. "Because there's a large decrease in the sales."someone from the table said. It was clearly rhetorical because for one, he didn't wait for a response and two, no one else said anything.

Mr. Turner slowly turned around and looked at each other of us. Instantly, everyone looked to the guy who said something, followed by Mr. Turner. "Jacob"he said, obviously not in the mood. "Jacob, get out. Go clean all your stuff and get out." "Wait, sir, I didn't mean to sa-" "No excuses. You have 5 seconds to get out of my board room. You have 5 minutes to get out of my building. Go." He quickly shot up and ran out the room. He's been working here for 8 years in the same position. I'd cry too.

"One less person I have to write a check for. Anybody else?"Mr. Turner asked, looking around. "Good. And that was not the reason you all are hear. If you believed that, you should stand up and leave, too."he said, turning back towards the board. He drew one of those typical decreasing nonlinear lines you'd see in the average business meeting. "But it is one of the reasons."he continued. "The major reason for this meeting is to let some of you go."

"Some of us?"I asked, unconsciously. "Tanisha"I heard Gina whisper to get me to shut up. It wasn't happening. I wasn't going out like this. "Yes, some of you, Mrs. Brown." "Well, no disrespect to you, Mr. Turner, but some of us have been working here longer than you have so, in my honest opinion, I think you need to reevaluate what you're about to do." "Well, Mrs. Brown, everyone has an opinion and I respect yours, but I didn't ask for it. Moving forward."he continued but I tuned him out because at this point, I was heated.

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