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You all in Paris and Dublin and shit yo ass better bring me sum back🙄

Aw baby I miss you too😐

Then why you leave me here
in bitch ass America☹️

Cuz you got school mama😂


And you gotta focus you got finals in some months you bout to graduate and allat

So...what's your point?🤔

🙄imma take you wherever you wanna go when you graduate ok?


You straight now?

I guess😒still gotta sleep wit my side nigga, it's just not the same without you🤧

You get on my damn nerves that's why I left yo ass there😑

Oh my heavens how could you say that to me😧

Shut yo ass up and go to sleep😭I know you got class you thought you was slick

Fine😤but fr get me something please😬

I got you baby👌🏾

Thank you😊I love you and I miss you🤕

Imma be back ma stop😒I love you too


Sum slight🤷🏾‍♀️I was procrastinating, sorry guise😬it's 1am tho and I got school so I'm not gone waste y'all time wit my opinions on this part

But next part, we gotta talk about bitch ass Soldier boi and karate chop ugly ass handwriting💯

But fw me. Vote, comment, request, and allat. It's greatly appreciated🙂

Q: what do y'all think about Trey and this new show he coming out wit?

A: I honestly thought it was funny and it reminds me of flavor of love if y'all ever watched that. I saw somewhere today where his mom was like it was a waste of time and he wasn't gone find love in a house full of girls who are basically throwing themselves at him but aye you know Tremaine. Im lowkey down for it tho🤷🏾‍♀️

D R E A M V I L L E ✨Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ