E P I S O D E 2

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Episode #2: I'm Gay Prank on Girlfriend (GONE WRONG)

(Cuz ion post gifs, Issa sad case)*****************Chris POV❤️"Ight wassup y'all

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(Cuz ion post gifs, Issa sad case)
Chris POV❤️
"Ight wassup y'all."I said, squatting down in front of the dresser where the camera sat. "So, Vanni out somewhere and I was just sitting here then I thought about that shit she did last week and I can't go out like that so we finna get her ass back. And this might be the boldest shit I've ever done."

I turned around to retrieve the bra and the black dress I got from her closet earlier and turned back to the camera. "I'm finna tell her I'm gay, which I'm not. There's nothing wrong wit it, I just don't swing like that. But I'm finna put this shit on and stuff it wit some tissue."I laughed, pulling the bra over my head. Once it was on, I scrunched my face up.

"This shit tight as hell. Ion know how y'all females walk around wit this shit on all day. Y'all should stop...for your own benefits."I winked. "Lemme stop."I said, pulling the dress on. "She gone be 38 cuz this like one of her favorite dresses."I laughed, waddling, since it was tight as hell, over to the full body mirror. "Oh shit."I said, looking at myself. "Ight y'all"I said, walking over to the camera. "Wait, should I call her?"I said to myself. "Nah, I want her to walk in. Actually, imma move downstairs to the mirror so when she walk in, she just see me."I laughed, grabbing the camera and walking downstairs.

"This shit so damn uncomfortable, man."I sighed, setting the camera up to where she couldn't see it. "Ight y'all so when she come in, imma just be right here looking at myself in that mirror. Ion really know how she gone react but let's see. I'm not gone call her cuz she gone suspect somethin so we gone wait. Team Chris in the comments fuck all that other shit. We don't take no L's hell you talm bout. Ight, let's get it."

About 10 minutes later, I heard the door keys and I got into position. Once it was open, I looked and instantly wanted to kill myself. She stood there with her hand over her mouth and her dad stood behind her, no emotion in his face. Me, on the other hand, was shook and lowkey terrified cuz I totally forgot I was supposed to be meeting him today.

I looked to Giovanni and her mouth was moving but no words were coming out. "Vanni"her dad said, sizing me. "Can you just uh you can go sit in the living room."she said to him, closing her eyes and pointing towards the living room area. He looked at me one more time and began to walk. Giovanni looked at me, slowly walking in the house, closing the door behind her. "Chris, what the fuck? What in the entire fuck?"she sarcastically smiled.

"Why the fuck do you have on my dress?"she asked. Should I just continue or end it here cuz it went downhill before it even started? Why not? "It was for a skit"I said, as it was the first thing to come to mind. "No"she laughed. "No, Chris, because there's no camera anywhere. And do you have on my bra, too? Christopher Maurice what the fuck? You wanna tell me something?"

"I um"I said then sighed, hanging my head down. "Chris, seriously." "I'm uh I'm gay."I said and she sarcastically laughed again. "Yea, no shit." I tucked my lips to refrain from laughing. "Oh my God, Chris, I don't even know what to do. Like I don't know if I wanna hit you or not. So these last couple months were nothing? You weren't attracted to me? You were just using me?"

"No, no I was attracted to you I was just...confused." "Chris."she repeatedly said my name, hitting her forehead with her hands. "Giovanni"her dad said, coming back in the room. She squatted down, covering her whole face with her hands. I then heard her sniff and instantly felt bad. He squatted down next to her and rubbed her back.

I just stood there, in a bra and dress, not knowing what to do or if I wanted to end it here. This is one hell of a story to tell our kids. Her dad lifted his head to say something to me but stopped, staring off. I looked at where he was staring at and saw the camera. He then started to laugh historically, making me smile.

Vanni removed her hands from her red, tear stained face to look at him evilly. She then looked up at me and saw me smiling. She rolled her eyes at me and the camera caught her eye. She closed her eyes, shaking her head. "I hate you."she said making me laugh along with her dad. "Oh shit!"he exclaimed, catching his breath. "That was a good one."he told me as we dapped. "Thank you, sir."I chuckled.

I went to get the camera and walked back over to Vanni. "You alright? I ain't think you was gone cry. I'm sorry."I said, kissing the top of her head. "You get on my nerves, dude, I swear. You don't freaking play like that. Got me cussin in front of my dad."she said, rolling her eyes. I chuckled. "What'd you think?"I asked her dad and he heavily breathed out, shaking his head.

"At first I was like, what in the hell did I just walk into? Then I was tempted to beat yo ass but I saw the camera and I was like they do do that YouTube shit. But I haven't laughed like that in a while. That was a good one, son. I just might warm up to you once you take that damn dress off." "I gotta take this off. Y'all like, comment, share, subscribe, allat. Team Chris in the comments, y'all already know. We'll see you next week, ain't that right baby?" "Shut up." "Right. Ight y'all, peace." I then cut the camera off and ran upstairs to change so I could properly introduce myself, the normal way.

I got this idea from Kwesi, he a YouTuber. This shit was too funny when I first seen it😭I kinda took the exact video but I changed some stuff. Hope you enjoyed🤘🏾💘

Fw me tho. Vote, comment, request, allat. Or don't. It's chill.


Q: what's your favorite song off Kehlani album?

A: Piece of mind or Everything is yours😍🌊

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