"Guess it's time to call you little friends for a pick up."

Clover snapped her fingers. The two guys from the night before approached. They opened the cage and, despite Ann's attempts to stop them, pulled Sol from the cage. Clover grabbed Sol by the hair, and then pulled something out of her lab coat pocket. It was Sol's ear piece.

* * *

Andy paced up and down the living room. Exhaustion had finally claimed him and the other's the night before, but despite the much-needed sleep they had all gotten, everyone was still in a foul mood. Lightning was sharpening her katanas. Nerida was drinking quietly in the corner. Lazerus was staring off into space. Even Johnny, Michael, and Joy looked tense as they attempted to do their daily chores. Noon was quickly approaching, and still there was no word from the girls. Worst of all, today was November 4th; the day the Templars where planning to launch whatever plan the Templars had for the observatory. Sol and Ann need to have been back by now, Andy thought, something must have happened. His earpiece suddenly crackled to life, startling him. He looked around and found Lightning looking spooked as well.

"Hello?" A woman's voice they had never hear before crackled in their ears. "Is this the Assassins I'm contacting?"

"Who are you?" Lightning asked, making eye contact with Andy as their individual minds scrambled to find a way to protect everyone if this mysterious call turned out to be a trap.

"Name's Clover," the voice continued. "Might I ask who you are?"

"I'm Camellia," Lightning responded, using her code name to hide her identity. "you have reached the Assassins. I assume you would like to talk to our leader?"

"Very much," Clover responded.

"This is Lethal Shadow," Andy responded, sharing a suspicious look with Lightning. "What do you need?"

"Hello, it's nice to finally speak with you," Clover replied. "Andy, was it? Well, you see I need nothing from you dear, but I believe you need something from me."

"Go on," Andy was startled by the fact that this mysterious woman knew his real name, but he did not let it show in his voice.

"You see, I have something you want," Clover's voice was followed by a bit of crackling.

"What do you mean?" Andy asked.

"Ugh... AH... H... Help," a new voice groaned in pain.

Andy's blood ran cold. He knew that voice; It was Sol. They had been capture after all. He cursed himself for not acting sooner. Lightning's eyes blazed as she heard the pain in Sol's voice. The com crackled again.

"Your little friend here isn't doing too well," Clover sounded smug. "You might want to hurry to her rescue."

"No... don't... listen... to... her," Sol's voice could be heard faintly in the background. "Please..."

Andy and lightning shared a look. They both knew what had to happen next. Andy nodded then mouthed to her: find them at all costs. Lightning nodded. She switched her earpiece to mute and grabbed her gear.

"All right, you win," Andy informed Clover.

"Really? I'd have expected more caution from you all," Clover sighed. "Oh well. Meet us at the observatory or your little friends are history."

The call cut with a sickening crunch.

* * *

Clover grinned as she removed her boot from the now crushed earpiece. She gave one last yank to Sol's hair before she reopened the cage and threw her back inside. She locked the door and left. Sol slowly pulled herself onto her hands and knees. She crawled into the corner and sat down. Ann could tell she needed some space, so she turned away from her, deciding to look for something else to entertain herself with. The Templar in charge of delivering their meals walked by the cage. In his hand was a small rubber ball.

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