Jacob cocked an eyebrow and asked with a devilish smile, "Have I done anything you can remember that would make you not trust me."

Ebony stared at him expressionless:  Why does he phrase things like that?  It’s so off-putting! He makes me want to pull my hair out! But technically he didn't force me to have the threesome with Gloria.  I was too ashamed and afraid to back out after she suggested it.  Comparing that experience to having sex with Arturo, I guess it was better.

Jacob watched her shift in the seat uncomfortably as she replayed their brief interaction with Arturo's many bumbling attempts at having sex with her.  Jacob winced when he saw clearly the awkward and painful experiences she'd had with him.  Waving a hand he interrupted her thoughts, "I'm riveted by your thought process but I would like your answer now."

Ebony closed her eyes, nodding as she whispered, "What exactly -"

Jacob cut her off, "Aside from accompanying me you are to wake me every morning."

Ebony nodded as her heart beat picked up at the way he said wake him in the morning, "I can wake you in the morning."

Smirking Jacob drawled, "My mother is tired of the line of servants wanting to wake me up."

Ebony stared uncomprehending and waited for him to continue.

Smiling wider he continued, "I like to be awaken with morning fellatio and you will perform it until I'm satisfied."

Ebony could feel the warmth coming to her cheeks, she'd watched avidly while Gloria had sucked him into her mouth during their threesome but she had never done it before.  Looking at his ear she cleared her throat, "I've -”

"You are to not bite me, graze me with your teeth, scratch me, try to push me away or throw up on -"

"Wait!"  Ebony said as she looked at him with a slightly confused, "Why would I throw up?"

Jacob smirked as he waved her question away, "Don't worry about that right now."

Staring at him with apprehension she weighed her options again.

Sighing he waved a hand toward her and frowned when she flinched.  "What in Hades is wrong with you," he growled as he stepped toward her.  "I know you are aware of Ah'Tarian tendencies -."

Nodding quickly she cut him off, "I apologize Lord Jacob."

"I rescind my offer to help you, Ebony."  Jacob tried not to smirk when he heard her heart skip a beat.  Feeling his hand held go off he looked down and saw a message from Kaelen: Are you really going to make her beg to suck your dick?  Trying not to laugh he replied:  You said you'd only listen, Mr. Fly on the Wall.

Looking to see if Ebony noticed he’d used his device, he waited while she took in his words when she still didn't respond fast enough he drawled, "We're done Ebony."  Walking toward the door he smiled when he heard the chair scrape back.

Ebony jumped to her feet and took a deep breath, "You said you'd pay for mine and Kayo’s living quarters plus pay me 30 royals a week."  Walking behind him she stared at his back, "I'll do it."  With a shaking hand she reached to touch his broad back, "I'll do it."

"I don't want or need a flinching bedmate Ebony," he said without turning toward her.

"I-I-I can do it," she lied as she tried to run her shaking hands along his back.

Jacob sighed as he felt her hands touch him looking over his shoulder he felt his device go off again. Looking down at it he chuckled at Lucas's message: Have her prove it right now!  And if she can even do it halfway decent I'll pay her first year's salary upfront. Jacob smirked as he glanced back over his shoulder at her and chuckled, knowing Lucas would be able to keep his money.

The Academy - Book II Editing For Publication Where stories live. Discover now