"I know but...."

"But nothing..." He stopped me.

     "Okay let's try this again. You are dealing with too much, and you need to try to kill this issue before you get into another one." I tell him.

He sighs and looks up at the sky. "Why does it seem like our lives is like a TV show. Shit just keeps happening." He says.

     "What you mean?" I ask.

"You'll find out..." He says and walks back to the group.

"Maeko what's going on?" Japree asks looking at me, and Lyric.

"I came to see what the issues are with everyone and my brothers." Lyric says. "Why did you fight Lonnie?" She asks.

"He wanted to fight me because I laughed at Brenden getting punched out. He started talking about how he could beat me, and how Brenden would beat Maeko and we got into it. He said we would fight after school, and I happily obliged." Japree said looking at Brenden.

"Why did you fight Brenden, Bj?" She asks looking at Bj.

"I only jumped in because he hit Japree, so I had to do something because Milo is on crutches." Bj says explaining.

"I wasn't jumping in I was trying to break it up." Brenden finally speaks up.

"Oh with your fist?" Milo asks.

"I'm being as honest as I can." He says shooting Milo a look.

"So Maeko wh---" Lyric starts and looks around. "Where he go?" She asks.

     Everyone starts to look around and I start to think about how the hell he managed to slip away like that. He's smart, I'll give him that.

*Maeko P.O.V*

     While everyone is talking I waited for the right time to back away. The attention was on Japree, Milo, and Bj right now, so I eased my way back towards the house, and ran through the backyard. I opened the gated fence, and cut through our neighbors yards.

     Once I got far enough away from our street, I walked along the main road. Cars passed me as I got closer to Dino's house. Everyone was right, his house was pitch black. I was walking up the stairs towards his porch, and I scan the yard. No cars where here, so I assume Rod and his mom were gone.

     I jog up the 6 stairs towards the front door. I try to look through the window, but all I saw was the darkness. I knocked on the door three times, and I waited but got no reply.

    I got impatient, so I hesitantly placed my hand on the doorknob to see if the door was unlocked. Oddly enough, I twisted and the door was open. "Dino..." I called through the dark house, but no response came through.

     I shut the door behind me, and made my way into the kitchen. I turned the light on, and nothing seemed out of place, not even a single dish in sight.

I cut the light off and begin to walk up the stairs. "Dino..." I called out again as I slowly made my way up the stairs.

     His house at night is really creepy if you ask me. I look down the dark hallway, and all the doors are shut except Dino's door. I pull out my phone, and call his phone as I walk down the hallway. His door is creaked open, and I see a light start to flash from his room.

     I pause where I am, and try to listen closely. What ever the light source was it was making vibrations. I ended the call, and once I did, the light and vibrations, stopped at the same time. "Dino..." I called again as I reach his door, and pushed it open. I cut the light on, and his room was empty.

Fall For Your Type: Book 2 | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now