He's here

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Her eyes widened as she felt a change of the rukh in the air. She looked out to the cage seeing them all fly out to the endless fake sky.

"He's here..." She mumbled.

"It seems that Ugo finally let him go..." She gripped the ends of the cage, then smiled.

"I pray that he will be the one to fix this world and destroy this organization."

Her thoughts were interrupted when a door slammed open, she jumped at the force and turned to see Arba. Enraged might she add.

Tanya smirked, "problem?"

She glared daggers to Tanya, "you knew about this! You knew he survived, didn't you?!" She walked to the cage and pointed a finger at her.

Tanya chuckled, "now, Arba. Don't you know it's rude to point finger's at people."

"Why you-?!"

Tanya stood up and walked to her, "now if you think I knew about Aladdin's survival after you killed Sheba then I have no idea what you're talking about. You can't prove anything." It was how Tanya's turn to glare.

"My people. My kingdom. They all fell because of your twisted, sick goals. But now it's your turn to be defeated.-" she grabbed Arba by the collar- "I hope you soon enjoy the bitter taste of failure because it's coming soon."

Arba grabbed Tanya's wrist and squeezed it. "Who knew a sweet little fairy like yourself could have a little bitterness inside."

Tanya rose a brow, "and whose fault is that."

Arba only began to cackle at her words and ripped Tanya's hands off her collar. "Now, now. Behave yourself, we wouldn't want something to happen would we?" She mocked.

Tanya scrunched her brows, confused. Arba smirked as she stepped away from the cage, she lifted her hand and said, "Tentō."

Tanya's eyes widened as a shot of lightning went all around the cage and shocked her.

She clutched her chest and screamed her lungs out as it coursed throughout her entire body.

Tanya fell to the floor and sighed in relief as Arba finally stopped her torture.

"That's what will happen," she said this with a malice tone in her voice.

Tanya looked up at her with slight fear in her eyes, but she wouldn't waver, not when she knows what she'll get if she gets out of here.

She soon passed out after the pain really set in.


"For the last time, leave me alone!" Tanya yelled as she hit his head with her staff, she then walked off.

"Lord, please do not upset our queen." A fairy sweat dropped as she saw him go after her queen.

"Come on, just one." He persisted.



She groaned and turned to face him, "let me see... You're a womanizer, a flirt, and a cheater." With each word, she pointed her finger to his chest.

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