I will see you again

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"My love, they will wake soon. Just stay here and I will find a way to inform my king," said Focalor, grabbing her petite hands in his.

Tanya shook her head, "no. You know as well as I do that djinn are not able to speak to their king-" Tanya placed a hand on his cheek- "all you are in that metal vessel is magic... But don't worry, you've done enough, I just have to find a way to get to you. Where are you now?" She asked eagerly.

"I am in a kingdom called Sindria, I'm the djinn of king Sinbad."

She had heard of that name before, Arba spoke of it once. "The irregularity?" She inquired. Focalor nodded and pressed a kiss to her head.

"I'm afraid I don't have much time left... Be careful."

Tanya nodded, "never knew you'd be this worried about me." She teased. Focalor only gave her an unamused look.

"Well, I will see you soon, my love."

"As will I."

The gold silhouette soon faded into nothing and them he was gone. Tanya grasped her locket with tears streaming down her face.


Focalor then opened his eyes to see himself back in his vessel. He sighed and only hoped she would come back him safely.

"Focalor, you left. Where were you?"

Focalor sighed to see Baal standing there with a very unpleasant on his face might he add.

"Our king asked for power and you were nowhere to be found, where were you?" He asked firmly.

Focal or only said one thing, "... I found her."

Baal soon understood and dropped the conversation.


Tanya got up and ran out of the room, not even sparing a glance at Arba and her two lackeys. She needed her staff back.

She bit her lip but soon thought of something, she held her hands out, hoping that she could still do this.

"Ek kalla fimm fiskr, brjóta ljúga galdr."

Five blue fish appeared floating in her hands, she spoke to them, "find my staff." She commanded.

They heard her command and started to swim in the air, Tanya soon followed. The little fish showed off some flare as they twirled and flip while looking for the familiar item.

The spell was a searcher spell, it helped to find important things and even intruders or eavesdroppers. The language was obviously different than all the other she used but that was something for another time.

Tanya grinned as the fish grew slower, it meant they were being cautious which also meant she was close.

The fish then stopped and disappeared in front of a door, Tanya smiled and positioned her hands in front of the wooden door.


A small fireball left her hands and burned a small hole allowing her to open it from the other side.

Once she did, she squealed in excitement, she was finally able to do more advanced magic. Both spells she had been doing were for beginner's after all.

Tanya walked into the room cautious for any traps, as she found none. She quickly ran in and looked to see her old staff was on a case covered in talismans.

She frowned and raised her fist. She then sent it right through the glass front of the case. She groaned and then noticed her hand which began to grow bloody.

Well, fortunately, some of the talismans broke, but Tanya wasn't don't. She took a hold of her staff and yanked it right out, causing more cuts to form.

Tanya brushed off her bloody arm and smiled down at her staff, "I missed you..." She said.

She then winced seeing the situation on her arm, "okay... Let's do this..."

She held her staff out, "Þú fylla heilagr austr, brott svalr bani." In a second, with a veil of blue, all the cuts on her arm healed as well some of her wing.

She gripped her staff tightly, "okay... Let's go."

She held her staff out in from of her, hoping she could do this next magic, "Yōsei o tasuke, watashi o hakobi saru."

She groaned and kneeled down on the floor, looks like she wasn't ready for a transportation spell just yet. But that didn't matter know that she had her staff she'd be fine.


Her eyes widened to see Arba standing there, fully conscious. She reacted quickly.

"Þú sér lind ásynja, burt eimi og sverð!"

She said the words in a flash, then gold butterflies covered her in a shield like dome. It would last for as long as her magic power didn't run out, hopefully she had enough and that Arba hadn't gotten the chain.

She felt all their spells hitting her with all they had, it was becoming too much to bare. So she had to get out of there and fast.

Tanya quickly began repeating the teleportation spell over and over, "Yōsei o tasuke, watashi o hakobi saru... Yōsei o tasuke, watashi o hakobi saru... Yōsei o tasuke, watashi o hakobi saru..."

Tears developed in her eyes, 'work damn it!' She tried once more.


The next moment she opened her eyes it wasn't in a stuffy castle it was in a field of flowers under a tree.

"Is this...?" Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates, "am I...?"

She reached her hand down to feel the flower and once she did, she flinched away. It almost felt new... Feeling those flowers...

She reached her down once more and there it was... That feeling... That blissful feeling... Of freedom.

Tears filled her eyes, "I'm out... I'm really out... I-I can't believe this."

Tanya began to laugh in a childlike manner, but not could you blame her? She was stuck in that cage since forever.

She fell down on the flowers and watched as they flew up and floated down to her. She giggled as they all landed on her, it felt amazing.

"Focalor..." A red flower floated down and she caught it.

"I'm coming."

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