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Tanya smiled as she gazed at the red flower that reminded her of his hair, she was beyond excited to see him again. She giggled as it reminded her of his last attempt.


"Give me a chance, Titania!"

Tanya grew a tick mark as he kept persisting, "quit calling me Titania! That was my predecessor's name!" She knocked him on the head with her staff.

Focalor smirked as he knew he was getting her annoyed. "I see that smirk on your face!" Yelled Tanya.

A few fairies that had been walking by, sweat dropped, "lord Focalor, please don't upset our queen. If she kills you, we won't be able to do anything."

Focalor waved them off, "I'll be fine~."

Tanya gripped her staff while her eyes twitched, "don't be so sure about that womanizer!" She pointed her staff at him with fire in her eyes.

"Ek verpa einn brandr muspilli, kalla bresta bani, steypa lundr drótt!"

The fairies paled after hearing the ancient magic spell and ran away from their queen. The second the fairies ran off coming from the small gem on Tanya's staff came numerous large fireballs all aiming towards Focalor.

He paled and was immediately scorched by all of them. He coughed out a small cloud of smoke as his whole body was covered in ashes.

"Now will you leave me alone?! Take a hint!"

Tanya then walked off, leaving a shocked Focalor. His luck only got worse as Leraje decided to walk by and as soon as she the aftermath she bursted out laughing, "hahaha! Serves you right, cheater! Hahaha!"

Focalor only glared at her she she followed after Tanya.


"Please just one chance!"

Tanya blushed as she stared down at Focalor holding a bouquet of red flowers while kneeling down on one knee.

She looked around to see if anyone was looked and then glanced back down to him. She bit her lip at the endearing sight then caved, "fine!"

Focalor's eyes widened, "I'm sorry can you repeat that?"

Tanya sighed, "I said... Okay..."

He stood up, "really?!"

"Yes! Don't make me repeat it!" At this point her face was as red as a tomato.

Focalor smiled and wrapped his arms around her, "finally..."


Tanya laughed as she remembered how funny it was to see Focalor burnt like that. She soon got up from the flowerbed remembering her goal.

"Okay... Let's do this..."

Tanya gripped her staff tightly and held her hand out, "Ek kalla fimm fiskr, brjóta ljúga galdr."

The same five blues fish from before swam in her hand, she brought them up to her face, "find Sindria."

The fish continued to swim in a circle and then swam off in the sky. Tanya was about to go after them but flinched.

Her smiled fell as she realized her wing was still broken. Although, it healed slightly after she said that spell she was losing energy from all these spells she was saying.

She shook her and slapped her cheeks. Focalor risked everything to find her, so she was going to do the same.

She took in a breath and began saying her spell, "Watashi wa kako no yōsei no hīrā ni kite, watashi no shinseina tsubasa o iyasu yō yobikakemasu."

She fell down to her knees and waited as a pale blue light surrounded her and fixed the rest of her wing. Tanya should rest and lay down for a bit, but she had no time for time.

She stood and began flying into the sky as she did she felt giddy as she felt the familiar feeling of wind hitting her cheeks.

"This is what freedom feels like..." She mumbled.

As she flew the fish from her spell noticed she had fallen behind she smiled as they continued on to her destination.

"Off to Sindria!"


Aladdin looked up from a book he was reading to feel something familiar about the Rukh that was approaching Sindria. After showing everyone in the battle of Magnostadt he had found out other things as well.

And as that familiar rukh approached he had a feeling of who it might be, the rukh fluttered down to him and landed on his hand.

"Is that you, oba-san?"


Tanya panted as she landed in a forest not far off from where the fish disappeared, she hadn't had time to see Sindria at it's full scale as her wing was already beginning to ache.

She reached to rub it which brought both a painful and soothing feeling. She sighed, "that was a long trip and all my energy is close to being diminished..."

She shook off the tired feeling, "I can't think of that now... I just need to find Focalor." She couldn't use the searcher spell she had been using as that was only for finding objects and spies.

Tanya then got up from the group and began walking to where she thought where the castle of this king Sinbad might be.


"Aladdin! Where are you going?!"

Aladdin was too busy running to hear what Alibaba was saying as him and Morgiana ran after him with curiosity laced in their eyes.

Aladdin had felt that presence from earlier but it was stronger as if she was right in the forest. As he ran through the sea of trees he looked around frantically.

He bit the inside of his cheek as he had found nothing and the presence had been moving more and more. He grew frustrated and continued running.

Meanwhile, Morgiana and Alibaba weren't too far behind. Having had enough of this Morgiana ran faster than before and grabbed both Aladdin and Alibaba into her arms.

She sniffed around the air and ignored their protests. Her eyes widened as she caught someone's scent, but they were certainly different.

"This way..." She mumbled.

Morgiana then began to run to the source and with her speed they wouldn't be too far off. As the scent from the person came into view their eyes widened to see a woman with pink hair wearing a white outfit leaning against a tree.

Feeling someone staring behind her she turned around and as she did their eyes widened as her wings were out as if ready to fly.

The one who was shocked the most turned out to be Aladdin, "oba-san...?" He asked.

Tears filled her eyes and she reached up to wipe them, "Aladdin..."

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