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Let me know if I should continue this or if any of you like it.

BTW that's not what she looks like, it's only showing what her outfit looks like.


She pressed her hand against the gold bar of the cage. She wrapped her hand around the pole, feeling the familiar cool metal she had grown used to over the years. She sighed and walked over to the flower beds they had situated around the cage.

She placed her hand under the flower and gazed at it with a feeling of remembrance. Dark red... The same color of his hair. Tears clouded her vision as she stared at the flower that bared a similar trait to him. If only she could she see him again. 

"How long are you going to stare at that flower?" 

The tears disappeared as you looked up to see the empress of Kou, Gyokuen. "What do you want now?" She asked, walking away from the flower beds to her white bed, that had also been put in the infernal cage.

Gyokuen laughed sadistically as if enjoying seeing her in the cage looking like a helpless doll. "Oh, nothing. Just enjoying the sight of our trophy." 

She rolled her eyes and turned away from Gyokuen taunting her. "If that's all, then you can leave now, Arba." 

Arba looked startled, but then it faded into an amused look, "oh? So you do remember me?" 

She turned to her with a smirk, "of course. Who else could forget that foul stench," she spat. Arba's look turned to one of anger, but then she chuckled.

"No matter. Your words mean nothing trapped in that cage." Arba then began to leave, but not before saying one last thing. 

"We've found him." 

Her eyes widened and she ran to the edge of the cage, "WHERE IS HE?! TELL ME!" She yelled with both anger and desperation, banging on the cage in hopes of breaking it.

Arba turned to her with her signature sadistic smile, "sorry~, you're going to have to find out for yourself."


Arba only laughed cackling as she closed the door and locked it with the same familiar click of the lock. 

Tears ran down her cheeks at the thought of seeing him again, her gaze then shifted back to the flowers, that same color, taunting her. 

"I will see you again." She promised. 

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