A proper meeting

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All the while that Tanya and Sinbad were glaring Focalor hoped that Tanya wouldn't kill his king candidate. Unfortunately, the poor djinn couldn't communicate with either of you.

"Aladdin. Explain to me who this is," said Sinbad sternly.

Tanya's eyes narrowed, "what kind of a man speaks to a child like that!?" She spat. This only made Sinbad grow angry, he wouldn't lie when he said he was tempted to use Baal to blast her right out of the castle.

If Baal could communicate how bad of an idea that is, he would. Tanya rose a brow at the look on Sinbad's face, "I wouldn't try that if I were you, stupid king."

Her eyes grew cold, "if you do I can guarantee that you won't survive."

Sinbad only continued to glare at her. This woman was already a thorn in his side and he only met a few minutes ago.

Aladdin sighed and then spoke up, "this is the wife of one of your djinn. She was from Alma Torran."

Tanya smirked at the look on his face, "maybe if you paid attention when looking at those memories, you would've noticed, stupid king."

Sinbad only glared at her in response, it was obvious they weren't going to get along. He turned to Aladdin, "which one?"

Aladdin glanced at Tanya, "isn't it obvious? The one she's holding." He pointed to the bracelet that Tanya was currently holding to her chest.

"You see, oji-san. She hasn't seen him in years, so please let her see him again even if it's just for a little while."

Tanya then grew embarrassed as she realized that she was being rude to the man that saved Focalor from a lonely life in a dungeon. She got down on her hands and knees, bowing to him.

"Please forgive, king Sinbad. I should be thanking you for saving my husband... And also myself because if you hadn't captured his dungeon then I would've been trapped forever..." Tanya stayed down for as long as it took and she did she could've sworn she felt something from that man.

Meanwhile, Sinbad clutched his head.

Kill her! Kill her, now!

Sinbad grew angry, 'be quiet!' He spat at the voice.

Tanya's eyes widened, 'it can't be!' She sat up and looked at the man who was currently rubbing his forehead.

"It's fine. You don't have to bow, it almost feels embarrassing having such a beautiful woman bow to me." Sinbad grabbed her hands and knelt down to her.

Tanya rose a brow, 'he sure changed attitudes quick...'

She coughed and pulled her hands away, "need I remind you, I have a husband and you are honestly just like him," she said in an unamused tone.

Sinbad was shocked as she said that, "w-what do you mean by that?" He asked.

"You're both womanizing flirts... Sometimes I wonder why I married that idiot in the first place..." She sighed and placed a hand on her head.

Meanwhile, both Focalor and Sinbad both had melancholy auras surrounding them.

"Did I do something to offend him...?" She mumbled to Aladdin. Aladdin only smiled and waved it off.

"Don't worry about him, he's always like this!"

That was another arrow towards Sinbad's pride. Tanya nodded, "ah... Okay."

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