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A/N: sorry for taking so long to update... I just haven't been able to type all of this without WiFi.


As she kneeled on her bed, she stared at the endless sky before her. Although, it was only an illusion. They had created it to show her the freedom she could have, to mock her.

She reached her hand out of the cage as if to grab someone's hand, but as nothing came she retracted it.

She sighed and faced the inside of the cage. As she looked around, her hope depleted more and more.

She brought her knees to her chest, she was never getting out of here. She closed her eyes as tears came again, but opened them as she felt the illusion fading to a normal room with the same gold cage, signaling that someone was coming in.

"Tanya, you're still held up in that cage aren't you?" He chuckled as he stared at her.

Tanya narrowed her purple eyes, "you all must have absolutely nothing to do as you all always come in here." She spat.

"Spit out all the insults you want, but you're the one in the cage."

She scoffed and crossed her arms, "you all mock me about the same thing as well."

He chuckled, "it's hard not to when one sees a damsel in distress."

She abruptly stood up and walked to the edge of the cage, her fists clenched onto the bars, "I will get out of here soon enough! You will not wallow in your victory much longer, Ithnan!"

He then burst out laughing, "yell all you want Titania, but no one will come-" he walked out the door, but not before saying one last thing- "especially him."

"Do not call me by that infernal name."

"Why not? It's your name isn't it?" He chuckled.

She narrowed her eyes once more, "you know as well as I do I hate that name."

"Why? Because he called you that." He smirked, finally knowing he blew her fuse again.

She growled and screamed, "BE QUIET!" She ran to edge of the cage and reached her hands out to try and wring his neck.

But to no avail, as he already left and the once dark room was now back to the same cloudy sky she had been gazing at for hundreds of years.

Seeing the sky once more made anger bubble in her gut. She gripped the gold bars in rage as tears began to cascade down her cheeks.



Meanwhile, his eyes widened as if he felt someone screaming. He shook as he heard nothing else, but he had to admit it sounded like her.

He sighed and took out a locket shaped like half a heart. He gazed at the design and then clenched his fist around it in regret.

He should've protected her.

Wasn't this power supposed to help him with just that?

~Many years ago

"Do you have to do this?"

He gazed down at her as he thought of the answer to her question. He rested his hand on her cheek, he swiped his thumb under her eye, seeing tears.

He gaze then focused on her beautiful eyes, he could stare at them all day if he could. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, "I'm sorry, Titania."

She giggled at the name he always called her, "it's Tanya~," she teased. He laughed and Tanya grabbed the hand he had rested on her cheek, "it's okay... You have to protect everyone... I'll be watching you, though." She giggled and gave him a wink.

He chuckled and pulled her to his chest. She relaxed as he held her in his arms, "I'm going to miss this."

"Me too..."

He pressed a kiss to her head and ran his hand through her short pink hair which cascaded down to her thigh.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


His thoughts were interrupted when he heard his king command for power. He sighed, put the locket away, and got ready to provide his king.


Tanya gazed down at her now long her pink hair, proof of how many years she had gone by. She sighed and closed her eyes, a lump forming in her throat.

She couldn't but want him to come and save her, she was never one to be a damsel, but now she was desperate to see him burst through the door and take her away from this horrid fate.

But the longer she stayed the longer it would take for to finally be free. 

"Still wallowing in despair?"

Tanya rolled her eyes and turned her head away from the voice. "What else am I supposed to do? Kneel on my knees and praise your so-called 'victory'?"

Gyokuen rolled her eyes, but then smiled psychotically, "don't worry you'll be of use to us soon."

Tanya glared at her, "oh really?"

She walked closer and held her hand up, in a flash Tanya's neck was in her hand. "As long you tell us what Solomon hid from us?" She asked, squeezing her neck tightly.

Tanya gasped and brought her hands up to claw Gyokuen's hands off her. "I-I can't s-seem to recall.." She wheezed, slightly smirking. Gyokuen growled and let her go.

Tanya began to breathe deeply as Gyokuen dropped her to the floor.

"Rebel all you want, but you can't hide these secrets from us forever-"

She began to leave, but not before saying her name.


Tanya only glared as the room turned back to the same sky she had grown used to over the years. She took out a locket that was shaped like half a heart and clutched it. 

"I will see you again."

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