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Hello. I wanted to apologize for not doing what I had promised in the last chapter... I got lazy and wanted to write this instead. Anyway, a big thank you to FortoldProphecies for drawing Tanya for me.

You should all check out her story, "By Chance". It's a Sinbad x reader.


Tanya sighed as she had spent her whole day walking through the endless halls of the castle. The poor woman had nothing to do as of now. She could look for Focalor but she couldn't as the king needed him more.

She practically knew the entire structure as she walked through the same halls over and over.

What's the matter? Are you lost?

Tanya smiled as she heard the familiar voice and shook her head, "not at all... I only wanted to walk around for a bit..."


She giggled as he went silent and continued to walk. It was actually really calming in this country and nothing seemed to ever go wrong. She only hoped it would stay this way forever, although she did have some questions, for a specific person.



"How... How did you mark me again?" She asked bringing her hand up to her neck to touch the oddly shaped mark. She waited for an answer but he stayed quiet.

"Focalor, I asked you a question and I expect an answer."



She could've sworn she felt him tense one way or another. Either way, he was hiding something, this got the fairy queen thinking about things he'd done in the past for her and everything that Solomon for the djinns.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, "please tell me you didn't," she said as her fists clenched and her eyes darkened. She felt him tense up even more if that was even possible at this point. She had her answer soon after.

"Damnit! You idiot! You know how I feel about that!" She yelled, glaring at the ground as she couldn't even see him. If she could she would've punched him for doing something so reckless.

You were the one that was feeling hot. I only helped alleviate the feeling.

She growled, "Shut up, this isn't a joke! You gave up some of your magic when you have a king vessel don't you know how dangerous that is," she said, storming through the halls to try and get her anger to dissipate.

I know. I know. But you can't deny that it felt nice and you needed something to help you forget.

Tanya suddenly stopped and tensed up, she couldn't deny that he was right. It had been a while since she felt anything remotely loving, especially after being with Arba. She clenched her hands together and kept her gaze on them, "your right... I'm sorry. I just... I get worried," she said sheepishly, "I love you."

I know.

Tanya chuckled and rolled her eyes.


"That's good. I see you've learned from Magnostadt."

Tanya stopped her walk in looked to the side. In a field next to the castle was Aladdin and Yamuraiha, both seemed to be practicing magic. She smiled at how far Aladdin had come, he seemed to be almost as strong as his father.

She flinched as they noticed her, "Tanya-sama, why don't you join us?" Asked Yamuraiha with a small sparkle in her eyes, insinuating that she wanted to see some of Tanya's magic.

Tanya dismissed them with her hand, "Oh no, no, I couldn't do that. You two seem so busy, I'd only be a bother," she said sheepishly.

Yamuraiha shook her head, "of course not. I'm sure Aladdin would love to see your magic," she said with slight excitement lacing her tone, it was clear to see that it was actually Yam who wanted to see her magic.

Tanya nodded and agreed, "okay. I'll show a few spells," she said walking over to the two of them while summoning her staff. Yamuraiha held in a squeal as she had always wanted to see a fairy do magic, she had seen a fairy before and had been fascinated ever since.

Tanya held her staff in front of her, "I'll start with something simple. Kasai," she commanded in a stern tone. From the crystal of her staff came a small ball of fire that hit Aladdin square in the face.

Tanya paled, "I'm so sorry Aladdin. Are you okay?" She asked with a worried tone and expression, not many could blame her. He was Solomon's child after all.

Aladdin smiled at her, "it's okay, oba-san," he said cheerfully.

Yamuraiha cut in, "is there any more advanced magic you have?" She asked with a spark in her eyes, curiosity getting the best of her.

Tanya nodded, she then closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "Þú sér lind ásynja, burt eimi og sverð."

In a flash, both Yam's and Aladdin's eyes widened gold rukh covering in like if it was a borg. It was a shield barrier made up of them to protect the caster and several others if the caster said the other version of the spell.

"How did you do that?" Asked Yamuraiha, perplexed. She wanted to touch but was slightly hesitant as she was afraid it might disappear or attack her.

Tanya giggled, "don't worry, it's only a shield and I would gladly teach it to you but this is a spell only fairies can do," she said with slight sadness in her voice.

Yamuraiha sighed, "Aww," she said with slight regret.

Tanya gave her a small smile, "sorry..."

Aladdin spoke up, "oba-san, why do your spells use two different languages?" He asked with slight confusion.

Tanya smiled and began to explain, "during my reign, there was new magic being developed, which also included a new language to say it in. The butterfly shield I used is said in our language which not many fairies used during my reign," she said.

Aladdin nodded and Yamuraiha smiled, "really? That's amazing!" She squealed.

Tanya chuckled, "yes. The reason why it was changed was to make things easier to remember," she continued, chuckling at the memory of all those young fairies tripping over their words.

Her smile grew reminiscent, those were such great times. She really did enjoy playing with all the small children all around the castle, she rested a hand on her stomach. Maybe one day, she can have one of her own.


Tanya sat at a table with a steaming cup of tea in front of her, she let out a smile from the smell being emitted from the small cup. After spending time with Aladdin and Yamraiha she had decided to spend her afternoon drinking some tea.

You seem to be enjoying yourself.

She let out a light chuckle and took a small sip of tea, "of course, after all those years of suffering everything is finally going well for us," she said softly.

Hmm... I guess you're right.

Even if she couldn't see him she knows that he was smiling at her, "I love you Focalor."

I love you too, Tanya.

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