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Tanya kept her gaze on the floor as she was being dragged to who knows where. When they finally stopped, she brought her head up to see an old wooden door in front of her. 

The door seemed to be way beyond repair as the wood seemed to be enough to give anyone splinters if one simply touched it. It also had an old wooden handle, which seemed to look much newer than the rest of the door. 

"Where are we?" Tanya asked with slight exhaustion. The two carrying her didn't answer, one only opened the door to reveal darkness except for a small lantern hanging from the ceiling. 

As they dragged her in, she noticed the room looked as old as the door. The wooden walls making up the room was rotting and slowly falling apart. 

The two walked over to the edge of the room where shackles were sitting. Tanya immediately groaned in pain as they put her down and placed the shackles around her wrists.

"Why... Am I here?" She asked while groaning in pain. 

The two said nothing, they only left her there, groaning in immense pain. 


"She's there..." 

Her smile grew into a malicious one, "perfect."


Tanya was too busy in pain to notice the light shining in the room, someone opened the door. 

"Hello, little fairy~." 

Tanya groggily looked up as she heard someone's voice. She looked up to see Arba standing there with a very pleased look on her face. 

Her brow scrunched, "what do you want?" 

Arba giggled and picked up a metal rod and placed it on the small fire in the lantern, heating it. 

Tanya's eyes widened as Arba held it. "What are you doing?" She asked frantically, trying to inch away from the rod that was coming closer and closer. 

"Teaching a little fairy, a lesson." 



His eyes went wide as he flinched at that scream, it was her and he knew it. 

And lucky for him, he also pinpointed where she was. He clutched the locket hard, she would know he would be coming. 


Tears ran down her face as Arba stabbed the rod in her thigh, she felt weak useless. Who wouldn't be when they were being tortured?

Fortunately, Arba stopped, but not for long. Tanya tried to mutter a healing spell but with her raspy voice, she couldn't. 

Arba soon came back with what looked to be a clipper, Tanya looked in fear. She knew what Arba was going to do with that. She could only hope it wouldn't have a lasting effect. 

Arba twirled the device in her fingers, "you know... Before I slaughtered all your little friends, I tried to learn a few little secrets about them and with this-" she held it up causing Tanya to flinch- "I was able to find out some things." 

She came closer, "how some of your magic works, how your entire kingdom came to be... Some very interesting stories I must say, but none were as good as your demise and how those silly little peasants of yours protected you to their last little dying breath," 

"I must say, they tried hiding you well. I couldn't find you for thousands of years. Well, that was until a few years ago.-" Arba cackled- "You thought you won... Adorable." 

Arba knelt down next to Tanya, "it's time to clip this faires little wings." 

Tanya sucked in a breath as she felt the cool metal touching her wings. She grew fearful, wings were everything to a fairy, it's what made fairies, fairies. 


Arba had just clipped the first centimeter of Tanya's wings, it felt like someone had just cut one of her limbs off with that one centimeter. 


Another one. The pain was unbearable, it made it worse as Arba was going immensely slow. As Arba was getting ready to clip her again, Tanya felt her necklace grow warm as if someone was giving her a warm embrace. 

It soon began to glow bright enough to light up the entire room. Tanya's, as well as Arba's eyes, widened. Arba grew fearful and screamed, "someone get in here!" 

Two people came in and held up their staffs in defense, waiting to see what would come out of that. What soon came out made Tanya's eyes widen and tears fill her eyes. Standing in front of her was a gold silhouette of him.  

"How dare you hurt her?!" His voice boomed, he lifted a hand and swept it across the room, sending a strong a gust of wind knocking them all of their feet. 

He glared at them and turned to her with a smirk, "I'm here... I'm finally here..." He wrapped his arms around her and brought her close to him, finally after years of waiting he felt her soft skin once more. 

Tanya breathed in his familiar scent and soon felt elated, "I'm happy to see you again... I love you so much..." She mumbled. 

He pressed a kiss to her neck, "I love you too... I thought I would be okay without you... I was wrong... I grew crazy in that dungeon, waiting and waiting. Turns out seeing you again was worth the wait. I didn't come too late, did I?" 

She shook her head with tears in her eyes, "no... You came just in time...



A/N: Finally her mystery lover is revealed! And will this be Tanya's great escape after all these years?! Find out next time. 

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