CHAPTER 15: Possible Wife

Start from the beginning

If he'll only say it straight to her, she'd probably say the sweetest yes he's trying to win.

She would allow him to court her!

Malcolm should call the shots. Dana's excited but at the same time anxious because she's hoping that history will never repeat itself. She's done feeling the pain and she doesn't want to encounter it again with the same person.

She's risking her happiness again, something that she did nine years ago—in addition... with the same person too.

"Dinner?" She promised Clifford that. Why not? This is Malcolm that she's talking to. Dana can always re-schedule Clifford's time just to have time for Malcolm. "Sure!"

"What the hell!" Clifford silently mumbled and stood in front of her with hands on the waist. "You are seriously going to regret this Dana!" He said without a voice.

Dana winked at her brother in return.

Malcolm chuckled, "Okay, I'll pick you up by six. Is that fine?"

"Yeah sure."

"I'll see you this evening... And, I can't wait for that." He said lovingly.

The smile on Dana's face grew even more, "Me too. Bye." She ended the call with a heart flattering feeling.

After she puts down her phone, the fuming, cute but dork Clifford gave her an angry look. Clifford looks like a walking emoji. The cute creased brow compliments his cherub cheeks. Seriously, girls would love to kneel in front of this guy and beg to be noticed.

Clifford walked like a Greek god, but he fails in the charming attitude department. He doesn't have any that. Even Dana experienced it first-hand.

It was three in the afternoon when Dana decided to go home and prepare for their dinner date. She was in pure bliss—ecstatic even. She even went to a salon to prep up. She had her nails painted with another color and had a head massage to clear all negative thoughts.

Her happy being began creating unusual acts. The moves are so foreign to her. She, who sang while driving, humming a love song and definitely smiling without any reason. People will think that she's insane if they will see her. She's so random and creepy at her state right now.

The elevator whisks her with terminal velocity to the penthouse. The door slide open and her grand foyer welcomed her. Her modern penthouse looks so homey with the view of New York in her wide glass window.

She was about to go upstairs when she saw the peacefully sleeping man in her favorite Victorian couch. She heaved a sigh. Travis' shirt has two opened buttons and his arm covers his head. Hair is aggravated in a cute way. The couch looks small for him. Travis who is like a giant with a six feet and four inches of height.

She walked to him and tapped his arms, "Travis..." She called. "Wake up. Wake up." Shaking him to the brim. He's really a heavy sleeper.

What did he do this time? Dana asked herself. He seems so worked up and tired.

Travis shifted to his position and growled, "Hmm?" A slightly opened his gazed at her. Travis scratches his eyes and he sat with sleepy eyes. He looked at her warily, "You're home early." He gulped and straightens his self. "Sorry I barged in. I need a place to crash. I'm kind of tired driving to my house."

She looked at him. "Your house is not far from mine, Travis." She pointed out. Travis gave her a sad smile. From that, Dana fished out that he has a problem. "You don't look good to me. What happened?"

He smirked unhappily, "Same old issues babe."

"They're pressuring you again?"

He nodded. "Dad said that I should get married and have kids on my own. He gave me the list of possible wife. I was like, what the fuck Dad? He gave me an ultimatum!" He shook his head in disbelief, "He's insane for thinking that I'm like any other guy who will eventually rot in hell for not being married. I'm not rushing things! He's such a freak!" He lashed out.

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