CHAPTER 14: Her Favorite

Start from the beginning

Everyone in their chairs is so annoying and such a baby. They always wanted to be noticed!

Malcolm's secretary, Lia, handed him the paper he prepared last night. "I will do everything just to bring back the stability of this project! All I want everybody to do is to just wait and listen to me. That's not hard, right? Now, read what is written in the paper and tell me about what you think about it." He looked at Lia and she already knew what to do. She handed them the papers. Everyone looked at it and read. "You see, I have a plan. I can always put my own money into this one. I don't need your money so keep it!" He acidly spat out.

These people are always hungry for money! Money is the root of all evil, aren't they aware of that? Some people kill just to have one! Some choose violence and get paid. Isn't that too much?

Malcolm just wished to have this project done and beautiful. The board may not know this but, half of the earnings of this project will be given to a charity. Maybe an orphanage or to the facility where old people are sheltered. They need it more than him!

He adjourned the meeting immediately. He and his trusted people stayed inside the board room to talk it over. He only needs few and not much who only gives him stress.

Lia handed him the phone, "Sir, an investor from Nepal wants to talk to you."

"I don't have time. Tell him to wait for my call."

"Yes sir." She withdrawn the phone and placed it back to the table.

Malcolm rejected a lot of calls since yesterday. He needs to prioritize Vlisse Empire before anything else. Investors can wait.

Diego Tsvetkov, his Russian friend came to help. "Are you sure about your decision Malcolm? You have to think about this again."

"I'm hundred percent sure about this." He said and looked at the paper again.

"Have you consulted this to your Dad?" Manuel asked.


Well, his father told him to be brave enough to take the risk. So, he will.

They were in the middle of discussion when Thomas barged in and immediately sat on the seat near him. He is in his usual business attire together with his personal assistant and secretary.

He was not expecting him to pay visit but he actually did.

"Thomas. What brought you here?" Malcolm prompted.

He looked at him, but Thomas heaved a heavy sigh. "Heard what happened to your site. How's everything?" He sounds concerned.

Malcolm inwardly smiled when he remembered Dana asked the same. "Sanders, Sanders..." He crossed his arms and slump back to his seat. He smirked at Thomas who is also doing the same. Maybe he got the point. "Everything is under control, Thomas. My people are now fixing the mess. I fired five people yesterday." His eyes are almost colorless and they bore into the papers scattered in the table.

Thomas snorted, "In business, heads should always be ruthless in order to make your people work hard. No pain no gain, indeed."

"I don't like lazy and stupid." Malcolm spat out.

Dana's brother grins, "So do I." He looked at everybody and down to the papers in the table. He picked up one and read its content. "This is risky Malcolm. Using your own money to lessen the company's expenses? You're a saint for doing this!"

"Best option so far."

Thomas grimaced, "Why don't you lend the money from your other company? The Telecommunication Company? Or the Steel Production? You earn big Malcolm, no need for personal shits here."

Malcolm signaled Lia to move closer then he pointed the papers. Lia took everything and held it. Malcolm looked back to Thomas, "TelColm pulled out billions for another two satellites. Vlisse Steel produced another batch of products so I have no hold of the money."

"Well, you're multi-tasking everything. That's good."

"Good but hard."

"That's the life of a businessman, Malcolm." He grins. "Anyway, I'm not here for that—well, partly, but more of the personal matter." He looked at the staffs and back to Malcolm.

Malcolm looked at them too. "Please leave us alone. I'll call you again later."

When everyone got out of the door, Thomas leaned on. "Sofia's with your twins." He started. Of course, he knew everything. Malcolm's not secretive to Thomas. He tells him everything. "And, you went to Dana's restaurant to give her chocolates." He smirked.

He grins boyishly, "Yeah. Her favorite truffles."

"Anyway," He crossed his arms, "The twins are so adorable. Sofia brought them to my house yesterday and we played hide and seek. They are just so irresistible and cute."

Malcolm chuckled. "I hope she didn't feast on their cheeks. I don't want my kids to cry because she pinched them."

Sofia loves the kids and she likes it when the kids are around—but not with their mother. She loathes Alexus to bits. She was there when Enya was dragged out of the moving car. She saw everything. The McDaniels are way evil than anyone can imagine.

"Call her. She's with them right now, maybe in the mall, shopping."

"She spends too much money." Malcolm shook his head.


They laughed in unison

"Malcolm, what's the real score between you and my sister?" Thomas meaningfully asked.

"To tell you honestly... I'm kind of in the process of making it up to her. She's not anymore angry at me so I am going to take it slow. I still have my issues, T. But I will find ways to have your sister back—if that's okay with you." He pressed his lips into a thin line and caressed his neck. Malcolm is shy but he can manage to contain it. "I don't want to lose her again."

Thomas patted his shoulder, "Nothing ever changed, Colm. I'm still rooting for you. But!" He shook his head, "Never do the same mistakes again. Swear! I will freaking beat you to pulp if you ever hurt my sister again. You'll never see the sunlight, I promise you that!" Meaty threats from Thomas Sanders.

Like any other brother, Thomas would kill and brawl for his sisters. What more about Clifford? He does bad things you can never imagine. Malcolm experienced it firsthand.

"Never." He spat out honestly. He will never do the same mistakes again. "I'll make her happy, T. She's my end game."

Thomas laughed heartily, "Stop the cheesy skits you ass! Things you do for love!" He teased. Malcolm shook his head and a ghost smile appeared in his lips.

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