CHAPTER 11: Meeting

Start from the beginning

Ever since she introduced Travis to her family—as a friend, and partly an ex—Dana's Mom hyped up and liked Travis very much. She was so thrilled that Dana actually had a decent boyfriend like him. Dana's mom thought that Travis is her first boyfriend since Dana didn't tell anyone about her history with Malcolm.

Danica Sanders likes to have Travis Pearce around.

The man even gets a lot of compliment from Dana's Mom—more compliments than Clifford gets.

Dana sighed and brushed her hand in her hair. "Yeah, I'm going to that dinner too. Can you give me a lift instead? So I can probably leave my car." She asks. Now that everything's okay, maybe it's about time that Dana opens her world to others. She'd finally make it up to every family dinner she skipped. "Clear your schedule please." She said.

"Alright. Will do." He said and sighed. "I really need a break from all of these stresses, Dana."

"Then travel." She suggested.

Dana was all satisfied with their one month trip. They went to the Palawan in the Philippines. Their islands are to die for places. The beaches are magnificent and they offer a lot of thrills. In fact, Dana and Malcolm shared moments together—as civil human being. Nothing more romantic every happened. Maybe they were just too overwhelmed with the newly developed friendship after their final closure.

They became friends—super friends rather. They share the same interests together.

"I'd like to, but where? Can you suggest great places?"

She thinks of great and beautiful places around the world. "Beach, Mountains, City or Silence? Which or which, you pick!"

"Silence?" Travis looked at her with confusion. "And... Where that leads me to?"

Dana pursed her lips and bit it to hide the smile she's trying to suppress.

Travis' brow creased and eventually arched. He seems to get the point. "Uhmm..." Dana is trying hard not to laugh. "Silence? Well," She chuckled and burst out laughing—well, for her it's so funny. She doesn't know about Travis either. "Then go to Vatican. There goes your silence." She rolled her eyes as if it was so obvious. "Vatican offers free prayer and silence, Pearce! Maybe you'll find the best stress reliever in that place. And! I heard the place is not just about big church and such, also there are a lot of tourist attractions in where you can meditate and unwind as long as you want."

He nodded. "What about Beach?"

"Maldives or Carribean."




She rolled her eyes. "Stay in New York. The city doesn't sleep, you know that."

Travis did not stayed long because someone called him for emergency and his presence is badly needed. He was so pissed because he thought he can chill for a while. So, Dana continues reading the weekly report. She's too worked up but she'll try to finish everything.

When she was away, Travis managed the restaurant together with her trusted head chefs. They never failed her. She was right when she thought that they will do everything in their power to straighten and manage the place.

The next hours became busier for Dana. She's scheduled to attend the needs of the VIPs who chose to have a private meeting in one of their function hall. Those were high and influential people from the business world. Some are familiar since Dana's brothers are into the same field too. Alto Empire is one of the top companies who rule the Business World in New York.

When Dana was no longer needed, one of her Maître 'D approached her carrying the clipboard with the names of the guests. "Chef, there are a lot of reservations. It's now fully booked." She said.

Dana nodded, "Can I see it?" She'd like to see it. She scanned the papers and she's very much delighted because of the names written on it. It is indeed fully booked! She was about to close the thing when a familiar name caught her vision. "Wait..." She once again looked at it. Her eyes widened with surprise. "Malcolm Henderson." It was the name that was written on the paper.

Malcolm has a reservation in her restaurant!

"This name," She pointed out. The Maître 'D looked at it too. "In what time is this scheduled?"

The Maître 'D looked at her wrist watch and back at her. "In five minutes Chef."

Dana nodded and licked her lips anxiously. Malcolm didn't know about her restaurant. She never had the chance to tell him about what she does and what work she's into. But Malcolm shared to her that he's now ruling the Company his father built. And, he has his own company too. He used the trust fund he got from his grandparents as collateral for his business.

Before, they are just into Finance, Steel Production—Alto's partner in business—Telecommunications and his very own business, the Real Estates. Malcolm is a one great multi-tasker. He gets to manage everything.

From Malcolm the Soccer Player to Malcolm the Business Man.

He grown a lot and he is now successful.


She turned around to only see Malcolm standing right behind her. "Hey!" She greeted. He's in his dark gray Armani suit. His hair is perfectly combed and waxed. He looks dashing and drop dead gorgeous. "I saw your name in the list. I thought you're back in California."

They parted ways after the trip so she assumed that they went back to California.

Malcolm shook his head and smiled. "I am here for work and I'll stay here for about half a year. I need supervise everything."

"Oh. That's great!" She smiled too.

Dana is too shy to look at him. She's too plain with only her Chef's uniform while Malcolm is very much decent and handsome.

Malcolm's eyes roamed around the whole place and back at her with a questioning look. She knew he would ask if she owns the place. Before he could ask, she already said the answer. "Yeah, I own this restaurant."

"I didn't know. But honestly, the ambiance is very homey. When did you start this business?"

"Years ago, when I decided to stop working in a restaurant in Madrid."

"I head a lot of good feedbacks of your restaurant and you also cater VIPs if they wish to have a private meeting in here. So I told my people to book in here so I could try it myself. I did not know that you own the place."

Dana chuckled, "Really? Very well then..." gave him a heartwarming smile. "Thank you for choosing El Viejo Amore."

He only smiled.

They talked for a while before Malcolm bid goodbye because his people are already in the VIP room waiting for him. Dana went back to the kitchen to help her crew to prepare the food. Since they are fully books today, they need to double time in everything. She doesn't want any bad service and feedback for her baby—the El Viejo Amore—the product of her sweat and stress.

I'm planning to make sequel for this, or make story for one of the character. Just to give him justice. Haha what do you think?

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