Chapter 16

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"So.....what should we do now that I'm a free man, Batboy?" Joker's voice comes out in a whisper. Truely they both know they're thinking the same thing, but a little verbal confirmation couldn't hurt anyone.
"Well, Jokes, my one and only.....I was thinking we could head home.....pop open a bottle of fine wine.....turn on another movie......and see what happens~?"

It's a rare occurence that Batman and his little lover make it to the end of a movie without having a savage make-out session, leading to them both being covered in red lipstick and gentle hickies. And that's the Joker's favorite part about going over to Batsy's house.

"That sounds like another one of Batman's amazingly great ideas, lovebug." He tilts his head up and plants kisses on Batman's chin, right under his cowl. Batman's body flushes red with bashful hunger and uncontainable desire. He rushes to the Motorcycle that Joker had got him for his birthday, plops his lover on the back end of the seat, plenty of room for the two of them, sits himself at the helm and revs up that sweet purring engine.

"Aah~ I love the sound of it. How did you know it would sound this great?"
"Because I know everything about you, Batman. In the best way." He turns Batman's head back to be kissed by Joker one last time before his arms slip around the larger man's waist, his fingers clinging to his utility belt.
"Take me for a ride on your dark horse, Batman~"

Batman coos with the engine and speeds off into the night, and like the dare-devil he is, swerves between cars and people and streets to get to his destination faster. At the same time, he struggles to focus as Joker has all the time in the world to tease Batman, his fingers grazing over the large man's rock-hard abs, sliding around his hips, and giving small pinches near his nerves to get a gasp or a sigh from him. Everytime he gets one, Joker giggles or purrs in Batman's ear and kisses the back of his neck.

"Joker.....remember how I told you that you have no idea what you do to me?"
"Many times, yes. Why~?"
"Because.....I think you know exactly what you do to me....."
Joker blushes and rubs Batman's shoulders. "That's why I do it. So you can feel the way I do when you look at me and say those words. Either ones. They mean the same thing to me."

"What? The fact that I love you? That I hate you? Or the truth, that I need you~" Batman coos as he pulls on the Joker's hands, making his body come closer to the bigger man's.

Joker bites his lip and tears up in love. "I've always needed you just as much, Batman. In every kind of way."

Soon Batman and Joker are making their way up the winding road to Wayne Manor. Batman parks the Jokercycle right where it is and opens the gate, slipping his hand around Joker's and practically dragging his lover into the gaudy mansion.

Joker has only been through here twice, and one of those times he "redecorated". He's still in awe sometimes at how nice just his normal home is. But he thinks he likes the batcave better.

Batman once again scoops up Joker, but this time swinging him around so Joker's arms are around his neck, and his legs straddling his waist. Joker seems delighted to be in such a spot and curls up like a cat against him.

The Dark Knight chuckles and runs down to the batcave poles, which he knows Joker has less fun than he likes sliding down since he got hurt when he fell off, and slides down one while keeping his lover pinned to his back. Joker is doing a fine job of staying attached to Batman.

Finally, he just takes off running. The machine can barely keep up with him sprinting over the conveyer belts. He just starts to hop up on the ones still coming down, landing perfectly in front of his computer and not even greeting her. He just locks his arms around Joker's legs and bolts to the theatre room. But instead of the very front like usual, Batman carefully carries the green-haired fool that's trapped his heart, to the middle row. Almost like he's hiding him.

"Batman, why are we back here today?" He says as the buffer man gently plops him into the seat, and thumps down beside him, taking off his cowl.

"I want this to be our new spot. One just for you, well just for us, when we want to do something a little more than....'watch a movie'." He moves forward towards Joker, to which the man does anything but move away. They come in close to eachother, in the almost pitch black room, and share a single peck on the lips.

That's enough to start up Batman. He gives a hot heave and starts to strip himself. Joker as well, since they took away his awesome outfit and stuck him in his prison uniform. As he giggles watching Batman fumble with piece after piece of armor and clothing, he simply unzips the back and starts crawling out of it, tossing it aside, now in his green and purple briefs like usual.

Batman looks both worked up and jealous. "Oh, so you don't want to see me undressed~?"
Joker blushes and goes to help him. "I never said that! I just think it's cute how-"
Batman covers his lip with a finger.
"I was kidding sweetie."
Joker giggles. "I know." Together they peel the outfit off of Batman, and soon he's left barechested and only in his black briefs. He kicks their clothes aside and wraps his arms around Joker's hips, plopping down with him into their seats again.

They just gaze into eachother's eyes for a little while. Drinking in every emotion that passes through them. All the good times. All the bad ones. Every heartbreak or happy moment fills them with something that makes them better. Stronger. Happier. They almost never want this moment to end.

Batman leans in towards Joker, and as their lips meet, the touch slowly fills them both with a passion and a vigor like no other. Joker's pearly hands start to roam over Batman's chest, while the buffer man cups his hands around his little lover's cheeks and kisses him deeper, loving the taste of his lipstick, practically sucking on his bottom lip.
Joker starts to lay on his back, to which Batman sets him there in the most safe and comfortable way, before looming over him and kissing all around his neck, with his hands groping Joker's thighs.
They go on for what feels like minutes, but really an hour passes. They sit up and lie down and switch with eachother and whisper and kiss and squeeze and tear up just a little bit, because they didn't know love like this was real.
Heck to the movies. This is the real magic, right here.

The Lego Batman Movie 2: Jokes On MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz