Chapter 10

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"Come on in babe~"
Batman sweeps his arm towards the Batcave, giving the green-haired clown a grin and a sweet little wink.

The Joker blushes and leans down to kiss Batman's cheek, letting his hand stroke the stronger man's chin.
"Why thank you honey~" He slides past Batman and onto the LONG walkway, making the taller man scoot from the door and walk side-by-side with his Jokester. Without even thinking about it, Joker reaches to his left and locks his fingers with Batman. The warmth between their hands makes them both blush, and Batman looks up and clears his throat, a smile passing over his lips.

"Hey 'Puter!"
"Yes, Batman? What can i do, for you?" The awkwardly cute robot voice responds.
"Play 'In The Air Tonight' by Phil Colins."
"Sure thing."

Joker gasps as the song starts to play, giggling and biting his lip. "Where do you know all these songs from~?"
"Oh, i just happened to come across it, and it reminded me of you...." he utters in a suave and sweet voice, before Computer interrupts him.

"Actually, Batman, you've had this song for four years in a playlist titled 'Classics'."
This makes the Joker burst into a fit of snickers and giggles, causing the Bat's cheeks to flare hot red.
"thAnks compUter, i didn't ASK-"

Joker rushes over to Batman and wraps him up in his arms, touching his forehead to Batman's chin.
"It's okay, calm down. I thought that was really cute. I love listening to your favorite music. You don't have to impress me anymore, sweetie. You've already got my heart for as long as it beats."

Batman seems to melt right before the Joker's eyes, as the powerful man suddenly sweeps up the skinnier one up in his arms and carry him off to some new destination.

"Where are we going, Batsy?"

"You know the place, just not that you can get there this way."

"Ooh...mysterious today, are we~?"

Batman smirks and kisses the Joker right on his lips, his feet no longer moving forward. They kiss like that more a moment longer. And a bit more. Finally Joker slips away and touches his finger to Batman's now red-tinted lips, conjuring a soft giggle from the person who caused it.

"Let's save it for the surprize room, hm?"
Batman sighs quietly and nods. "Okay then, party pooper."

They giggle and walk, and soon Batman steps through the threshold of the room.

"OH! It's the cinema!! Wow, i guess i didn't know that you could get here from the front."
"Yeah, I come this way when I just wanna hurry up and do nothing." He kisses the Joker's forehead before carrying him to the seat right in the front row in the middle, Batman's usual spot, and letting the smaller man slide right into the seat. He seems to be just the right amount of too small for that spot, since Batman's overuse of the spot has left a large indent in the chair. But he thinks it just makes Joker look even cuter, if that's possible.

"Um, Batman, I think I'm a bit too small for this spot-"
"Nope, it's fine. You look adorable." He leans down and kisses the Joker's sugar-white forehead, making him blush and bite his rose-red lip.
"O-oh, okay then~"

Batman grins and struts over to a closet seemingly filled with movies, and Joker is aware that most of them are rom-coms. Batman comes out carrying a giant stack of them, before setting them down on the floor. They stand even taller than Joker in the giant chair.

"Okay, pick the one you wanna watch the most."
Joker giggles and reaches forward, scooping as many of them as he can hold in his arms. He starts to go through them.
", no...nah.....oh! You never told me you had this one!"
"I didn't? Oh. Well now you know." He gives a hearty laugh.
"Yeah, but no....m-m, hmm...nope, UGH! What?! Do you LIKE this movie?!"
"Yeah, a lot actually."

Joker would absolutely go on for hours about how terrible this movie is, but he looks into Batman's eyes, and sees that he almost already knows what he would say.
"Well, okay then. I won't try to change your mind." He blows Batman a kiss, to which Batman quickly snatches it out of the air and stuffs it in his pocket.
"What? Why did you-"
"I'm saving it for later." Batman gestures to the movies. "Can't think of anything?"

The smaller green-haired man ponders for a moment, before he bites his lip to hide a strangled snicker. "Well, there's a movie that came out sometime last year, that i never really got the chance to see....."
"Do you remember when they were making that? The one about us?"
".....oh, you mean the Lego Batman Movie(c)?"
"Yeah! I mean, we couldn't have really gone to see it, since.....we were in it, but i think that would be really fun...."
".....Sounds like a great idea." Batman takes out his Good Idea Counter and pops another one on the "Everybody" slot, but little does anybody know that Joker is his Everybody.

Batman plops down on the seat next to Joker, and after four minutes of struggling to find the correct HDMI connector, he gets to his unlimited movie streaming device and searches up "The Lego Batman Movie". When it pops up, he immediately buys it and clicks "watch now".

"Yes? Batman."
"Start making some popcorn. We're gonna be here a while."
He looks over at the Joker, who is sort of half aware of how the movie goes, but he's certainly never heard the opening before.
"A Black Screen..."
"OH MY GOD!! You're narrating your OWN MOVIE!! That's so-"
"I know, it's kinda meta-"
Batman looks at him. " think it's cool?"
"Goodness yes! It's cool because it's meta, plus its just more time to listen to your sexy voice~"

Batman's ego is suddenly as inflated as his face is red, and before they can even reach the part where it says "Alright, let's start the movie", the two are making out with their arms wrapped around the other, occassionally giggling and snickering at the sound of themselves and the other during the movie.

The Lego Batman Movie 2: Jokes On MeWhere stories live. Discover now