Chapter 3

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The tall dark figure spins around and gives a glorious smile at his adorable, silly lover.

"Really, how do you do all this? I try my best to piece together something you can do to 'destroy' Gotham, and you...."
"Totally hit it out of the park?~" Joker finishes his comment.
"You read my mind."

The Joker giggles and scuttles over to Batman, wrapping his arms around his strong neck and planting a sweet kiss to his helmet's cheek. Batman seems to feel the heat even through the bulletproof cowl. He quickly peers his head down, and after holding Joker's gaze for a moment longer than long enough, leans in and touches his rough lips to Joker's smooth red ones. Joker's knees tremble, uttering a short whimper and kissing him back with just as much tender adoration.

Reluctantly, Batman pulls away and strokes the Joker's chin, patient passion floating in his eyes.
"Let's save this for another time. Barbara might come up sooner than we think."
Joker bites his lip and nods, standing up to his full height, still shorter than Batman.
"Don't worry yourself too long. I set up a few extra precautions, just to buy us a little more time together. Here!" He reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out a root beer-flavored lollipop and holds it to Batman's chest.

Batman gives a small fistbump and eagerly takes the lollipop, unwrapping it and sticking it in his right cheek.
"What about you? What're you gonna have?"
The Joker takes out another. "I have one! It's Lemon~"
Batman sighs and chuckles, as they walk to explore the gaudy Casino and listen to the loud and perky slot machines.
"I don't get why you always like lemon. It's so sour."

"It reminds me of you, Batman. A little fiesty, not always the most amazingly pleasent, makes me love it even more."

Batman blushes and quickly grabs Joker's other hand, smacking a quick peck to his knuckles before letting it slide back to his side. "Stop it, your too perfect."
"Only for you, my Big Burly Bat~"

The two stroll up the levels, giggling and joking and just chatting about things. Batman wants to bring up something important, but he doesn't feel like exactly NOW is the right time. He'll find another time to bring it up.

"Batman? What do you think of......getting matching tattoos?"
"Heeeyyy that's not a bad idea, i love your tats. What've you got in mind?"
"Well......what about the Bat? Your insignia? I mean, we could do it so your half is my smile and my half is your bat symbol, and together they kinda shape the Bat? I don't really mind if you don't have me on you.....i just wanna have you on me. Forever. With your knowledge of it." His lip gets sucked into his mouth, his big eyes looking up at Batman, just hoping for his thoughts.
"You know what Jokes? I like that second one. I'de love to have that beautiful smile plastered to me forever. Besides, everyone already knows your my greatest enemy. They'll just think im marking the importance of my rivalry with you. When really, it means so much more." He kisses the top of Joker's head, making the clown squeal in anticipation.
"That's wonderful!! Because i kinda already drew out the design." He takes out a piece of paper with a really neat drawing of two halves of the same whole, one side is the Bat insignia, the other is the Joker's smile designed to slightly mirror the Bat's other wing. Together, its a very cool tattoo setting in stone the bond between the Clown and the Bat.

"That's awesome. Man, I want that today! Let's do it soon, yeah? Maybe when we're on the downlow with all this busy villian business."
"Oh Batman, you have no idea how much this means!" He practically jumps into Batman's arms, as the taller man easily supports the light and skinny lover.
"Trust me, you have no idea....just how perfect you really are~"
"Awww Batmaaann!!~"

"Batman! I dealt with all those numbskull villians. Where's Joker?"

Batman and the Joker stare into eachother's eyes and within a split second decide on plan B: "tousle".

Batman quickly flops onto the ground and 'wrestles' Joker to the floor, as the villian gives a hearty and evil laugh.

"It doesn't matter now, Batman! Soon that lazer will sever the bridges and cut into the ground beneath Gotham City, causing it's complete destruction!! AHAHAHAHAHAA!!"

Batman gently 'shoves' away from Joker, giving a loving wink and quickly spinning around to Barbara. "Quick, Barb! We gotta shut off that lazer!!"

"You get the lazer Batman, i'll handle the Joker now."
"No, there's not enough time! I'll need your help!" He grabs her wrist and drags her off to the high-speed elevator.

The Joker slowly sits up as they dissapear, crossing his arms and blowing a piece of loose hair out of his eye.

".....The wrist? Did he HAVE to get the wrist? Can't she just walk by herself? She shouldn't get to touch my Batman....." He huffs, his jealousy once again setting in.

The Lego Batman Movie 2: Jokes On MeWhere stories live. Discover now