Chapter 7

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In a quiet casino of lesser bright and shimmering lights but more girth to pack in people, Joker steps up on top of a bookshelf from a desk and grins over the crowd. But "little does he know", that Batman and Robin and Barbara are all watching from a corner where they won't be easily spotted. They made a small hole in the window so they can put a mic in the room and listen to what they say.

"Hello my dearest partners in crime!~ I won't take up much of your time, believe me. But i have an idea that's going to blow Batman out of the water right under his nose!" The crowd cheers, and Joker gives a confident and hysterical laugh.

Barbara groans and stares intently, adjusting her headphones. "Why is he so keen on destroying Gotham City? He lives here!"
"Keep your voice down, Barb. Be like Robin. A great listener."
Robin simply sticks up his thumb, his googley-eyes plastered to the window.

"Criminals of crime, allow me to introduce.....the Bubba-lloon Blower!!"
He dashes over to a large tarp covering something larger under it, and rips away the cloth to reveal a complex machine that looks a bit like a bazooka fixed in place on a pedestal, and a round opening. A few of the deco is pink, so they can only assume its a bubble-blowing machine.

" a giant bubble-gum bubble blowing machine!!"
Yup. They were right.
"The plan is, my dear friends, to blow thousands of bubbles, each with a stick of lit dynamite, as they all stick together, and blow up anything they attach to!!"
He gives an evil grin, but it almost looks fake.

"Folks, we're going to trap Batman in the thickest bubble of all, and drop him into the empty abyss, so he can never stop us ever again!! Now, who thinks that's a good idea??"
Every villian cheers, wooping and shouting and whistling. Batman growls.
"Batman, doesn't this seem a bit...." Barbara says, trailing off.
"A bit what?"
"I don't know.....out of character for the Joker? Doesn't he depend on you? Why would he want to destroy you?"

Batman sighs, but doesn't look really worried. "Maybe he really is sick of me. Always foiling his plans and taking away all his hard work." He turns to Barbara and Robin.
"I'm gonna need your help, guys. This might be worse than we expect."

"We're right here for you Bruce." Barbara says as Robin salutes, blinking innocently.
"I'll be right behind you Padre!"
Batman smiles back, looking genuinely happy. Its rare, but man is it gratifying to see that smile. "Thanks guys."

Barbara feels her heart skip a beat. What the heck was that? Does she really feel that awesome when he's truely happy? Maybe that's a feeling that she wants to feel....a lot. For a long time.

The trio hoist themselves up from the window and crawls up onto the roof of the Casino, dusting themselves off and taking off their headphones.

Batman speaks up. "Okay guys, we've gotta get moving. We should set up a plan to pop those bubbles once they float down to the city. But we can't attack now, every villian is in the room. We'll be creamed in an instant."

Barbara nods. "Yeah. I may have been able to take all those goons out before, but not with a giant possibly dangerous weapon in the room."

Robin seems to get an idea. "Harpoons!!"
Batman looks at him. "Keep going...?"
Robin points to all the tall buildings of Gotham. "We can put harpoons on top of all the tall buildings, and shoot them at the bubbles as they float around so we can put them out before they blow up!"

"I like it! Good idea Robin. I'm gonna put another good idea counter for everybody. Just to keep track."

Batman retrieves his mysterious "Good Idea Counter" and puts another under the category that says "Everybody Else", the total now coming to about 42.

Barbara looks absolutely confused. "Wait wait wait! Why is it fourty-two? The last time i saw that counter it was"

Batman gulps and gives a quiet and nervous chuckle. "Um.....well, i mean i talk to a lot of people now, and i get a lot of.....advice, and stuff like that.'s gone up a little bit. Why, are you jealous that you only got one?" He asks tauntingly.
"No! I was just asking!" She turns away crossing her arms, wondering why she's suddenly so bashful and offended. She sighs and gets over herself.

"Well if we're gonna take Robin's advice, we've gotta get to the Batcave and get some harpoons. Joker won't wait forever."

Batman desperately wants to utter a proud "for me, he'd wait a million years", but thinks that would be a terrible idea and keeps his mouth totally zipped up. They all plop together into the Scuttler and take off to the Batcave, ready to take down Batman's other half, in more ways than they know.

The Lego Batman Movie 2: Jokes On MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant