Chapter 13

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Barbara wasn't exactly ready when they flipped the Babs signal, but Batman was sure prepared. She started out alone, walking on the street, but almost right when she saw it the Batmobile rolled up beside her and the top popped open.

"Barbara! Get in!"

Without delay she jumps into the left seat, clicking her seat belt just as the top closes. As they speed off, she suddenly turns her thoughts directly to their phone call. He said he was happy. He said not to worry. She shouldn't be thinking about it. But.....she doesn't feel for him any less. She just wants something, but if she gets it than it might be hard for her to be so platonic as they are now. She bites her lip, grumbling to herself.

"So what's the trouble this time, Bruce?"
Batman kinda stopped telling her he doesn't like being called Bruce. Because she still does it. So he's over it.

"It's Joker and his gang. They're robbing Gotham's biggest bank, but their taking everything. Machines, chairs, bathroom sinks...even floor tiles."

"But why?? Are they gonna redecorate?"

"Looks like we'll have to find out. In 3....2....1...." The Batmobile rolls to a stop a few yards from the Bank, and Batman pops open the top and leaps out, Barbara soon after. Batman kicks the top closed and speeds off beside Barb towards the Bank. Suddenly the entrance explodes, and just when it happens Batman leaps across Barb and uses his cape to protect her from shrapnel.

When they both stagger up from the floor, she sees glass and wood and dust over his cape and on his suit. He even got a scratch on his jaw. Barb looks over and sees that she simply has a tiny roll of dust on her pant leg.

"Bruce, you-"

"Yeah. It's my job. Now cmon."

She tries to ignore the fact that the man she loves just saved her life and brushed it aside, dashing through the gaping hole in the wall with Batman and looking upon the crowd of villians carrying anything they can from the building. Money bags, chairs, plastic ferns. The Joker is currently carrying a jewelry box, and half of his body turns towards the echo of footsteps coming from the entrance.

"Oh, Batman! Come to Rob me of my freedom~? Ah Ms. Gourdon! Greetings commish!" He winks and gestures to the rest of his gang.
"Come on in and we can get the party started!"

Barbara groans and Batman takes out his Batarangs, quickly passing to Barbara the information she needs to get the plan.
"Barb, the Gemini!"
She nods and suddenly the two split off, fighting the massive crowd of goons almost in sync with eachother, as the Joker grabs what he can and hides behind whatever is left in the room, heading towards the entrance to escape the escapade.

Before they even know it, Barbara and Batman have whooped every other villian in the room. They pant and look towards the door just in time to see Joker peek around the corner.

"Catch you later, Batman~!"

Barbara gasps and dashes after him.
"That's it Joker, you've gotten away for the last time!"
She turns back to see Batman calling her back.
"Let him go. We need to-"

This prompts Batman's eyes to widen, and to move forward.
"Barbara, it's fine, he's-"
"He's breaking the law, Batman! I know that you two have been rivals for forever, but he needs to pay for his crimes sometime!! And today is that day!"
"Wait, don't-!"

Barbara dashes out of the room, and just as Batman starts to bolt after her, she shoots back two batarangs tied together by a rope, that smacks into Batman and causes the batarangs to go around him in circles, sticking together and tying him up. He plops over on the floor and struggles, actually getting mad. And scared.

"Barbara, please!"
"I'm sorry, Batman."

She runs off, to find the Joker simply whistling and carrying the jewelry box, not even wearing any of it. He's just strolling, like nothing is going to happen to him. That's where he's wrong.

"Freeze, Joker!"
He almost jumps out of his pants, spinning around, a truely frantic look in his eyes.
"C-commisioner?! B-but..!"
"You're under arrest for robbery, destruction, and terrorism."
"W-whAT?!" He looks around, peeking behind Barbara for Batman. This is just a joke, right?

"B-but where's Batman??"
"He's not coming. But you're going. To prison, Joker. Now put down the jewelry box."
"I-I didn't....B-Barbara please-"
"Don't call me Barbara, you fiend."
"I'm not a....I was....this is.....I......" Joker bites his lip, tears actually building up in his eyes. He takes a shaky breath, carefully kneeling down and setting the jewelry box on the floor, before putting up his hands and stepping around it.

"Remove any-"
"Weapons? Got it." Joker couldn't sound more depressed. He reaches into his pockets and tosses out many different guns, and as all of them hit the ground they make silly noises as the little flag that say's "BANG!" on it pops out of all of them. He raises his hands again.
"That's all of them. If you even consider those weapons."

Barbara has a look of pity in her eyes.
"Turn around and put your hands behind your back."
She was still talking, but he had already done exactly that. She takes out her handcuffs and clicks the cold metal to Joker's warm wrists.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you-"
"Say or do can and will be used against me in a court of Law. I know, Ms. Gourdon. Let's just get to the car. I can't let Batman see me like this."

Barbara holds her tongue and walks him off, calling for a squad car at the station. Within a short while the car comes, Joker obediantly but so very decrepitly slumps into the back seat, and leans his head against the window when the door closes. Barbara gets in the passenger seat, and as the cop drives off she gazes back at the Joker, Gotham City's Clown Prince of Crime, fighting back tears in the back of a police car.

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