Chapter 2

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The evening light trickled through the blinds of Barbara Gourdon's office, casting linear shadows over her features. She was deep in concentration with a current plan to once again cease all crime in Gotham City. For a year it's been back and forth, going between not seeing a villian in sight for days, and crime like crazy.
Right now, it was mostly the latter.
She hears a set of knocks on her door, and with that she lifts her head and sighs, scooting the pile of papers away as she easily reads the pointy-eared shadow of the person on the other side of the door.
"Come in, Batman."

The darkly-clothed man steps into the office, also becomming caged in by the blind's shadows.
"Hey Barbara. Listen, I uh.....I need some help......with feelings, I guess? It's about Robin."

Barbara drops her work attitude completely and gestures to the chair in front of her desk. "Yeah, sit down. Tell me what's going on."

Batman gladly drops into the chair, putting his hand to his cheek and sighing. "The kid's growing up so fast......I'm lucky that he took the news that I'm Bruce Wayne so well, but now......he's getting to THAT age, and......I'm not sure how to....tell him about it? Cuz honestly, I don't think he's gonna just like.......girls. And I don't wanna bog him down with just telling him about it in that way. So......can you give me some pointers?" His gaze turns hopeful, glancing into Barbara's eyes.

Her expression is complete surprize. " That's....." she smiles and quickly puts a hand on Batman's shoulder. "I'm really proud of you, Bruce. That's a big step forward, even after all you've been through. I think if you want to discuss this with Robin anytime soon, you should explain it in a way.....that's more about how he'll feel around the person, instead of what they look like. And if he really needs more explaining, then just tell him, nicely, what he needs to know. He's a smart kid, he'll pick up on it sooner or later, right?"

Batman gives another sigh, but one of complete satisfaction, like a huge weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
"Thanks Barbara, that really means-"

A loud siren blares through the police station, and a lacky cop dashes through the door. "Mrs. Gourdon, quick, open your blinds and look at the sky!"
She does so, knowing just what she'll see, but playing along. Just like always, the Bat signal is beaconing into the dark clouds, as the sun has almost completely set, leaving a crimpson light over Gotham City.

"Looks like we're needed. Again. Man, why are the villians SO busy this week? What's new around here that they want to draw attention to?!"

Batman stands up and looks over at the setting sun. "I couldn't tell you." To Barbara, that sounded more like a statement than a dismissive answer. Nonetheless, Barbara donnes her Batgirl suit and with Batman they burst out of the police department building and into the night city.

Suddenly a high and joyful laugh fills the air, as they both turn in the same direction to see the Joker in his Cadillac of Chaos, stereo blasting what seems like, in an ironic twist, to be one of Batman's favorite songs.

"Hello again, you two! Sorry to "arrest" your attention, but I've got a surprize so big I just couldn't wait to tell you! Race you there!!~" He hits the gas and speeds off, but not before giving Batman a wink just quick enough for Barbara not to notice.

"Cmon Batman, we've gotta catch him fast!" Barbara takes off in a dash, Batman right beside her. Barbara can already tell they aren't fast enough.
"Bruce, Call the Mobile!"
"Right. 'Puter!" He grunts into his watch, as the machine replies with "What's up? Batman."
"Overcompensate!" Almost before he finishes the word, they hear the loud rock-n-roll ride glide up behind them. They jump into it and take off, following the Joker's Maserati of Mischief through the streets of Gotham, deeper into the heart of the city.

As they tail Batman's greatest enemy, Barbara can't help but linger on the thought of Bruce being such a caring father, and so much so that he actually asked someone else for their thoughts. Their idea. Hasn't nobody to the great Batman ever had a good idea? And he pushed that aside to do what's best for Robin? The thought of it both boggled and amazed Barbara. Maybe he wasn't who she thought he was. Maybe he was so much more.

"We're here." Batman's husky voice stirred Barbara from her deep thinking, and they both look up at the city's tallest with a giant lazer attached to the top.
"What in the world is he planning to do with that?!"
"Only he knows." Once again, Barbara finds this comment to be a But nonetheless, they speed through into the underground parking lot, seemingly void of any other cars, except for one: the Joker's Porsche of Pain.

"Wow, you two are certainly never late to a party! And good thing too, because now we can START it!!" Suddenly from above and below and all around, Gotham's greatest villians surround the Batmobile, as the Joker gives a childish hoot and takes off, running to enter the Casino above.

Batman throws open the window of the Batmobile and jumps out. "Barbara! I'm gonna go after Joker. Can you handle these goons by yourself?"
Barbara jumps out and proceeds to flying-kick the Condiment King in the face. "You know it! I'll meet you up there!"

Batman nods and takes off, hiding how impressed he is with him and his silly clown's plan, and pondering just how he always does it so right.

The Lego Batman Movie 2: Jokes On MeWhere stories live. Discover now